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? turning point

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I've had this one friend X for a good 10 years now.. We went through middle & high school together. Now, upon being faced in the quote on quote real world.. we've been able to still keep in contact & hang-out every so often.. since we both in the same location,etc.


Well, here's the thing.. He's a guy & I'm a girl. Ok, fine. The thing is we spent a lot of one-on-one time together this past summer '02.. talking.. and doing fun stuff( boardwalks, amusement parks, NYC trips, etc). And, in a recent im we had, the question came up on both ends: 'how do you consider this friendship to be', etc.


And, well we both answered.... and stuff sort of came out.. good and yet maybe too much @ once... Ever since this convo. maybe 2 weeks or so ago.. things really h/n been the same.. We both still talk and all. But the fact of the matter is... we both.. mainly him seems to be hesitant of what to say.. & how to say it.. Is this b/c he's in a confused state of mind right now.. or is it b/c we both are.. and should take some steps back.. or should we 'both' sit down and talk things through??


Very confused.... about this whole matter. :confused:

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Transitioning a friendship into a romance, or preserving a friendship once disclosures are made is always awkward and sometimes rough. But if the two of you are true friends, it will all work out with time.


Yes, do have a talk...but don't talk it to death. Just let things happen the way they will. If it's supposed to be, it will be.

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