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...horrible day


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Hello all...well, it gets easier and it gets harder. It's been 3 months now since the breakup, and NC since Aug 28. But today something bad happened and all I want to do is call him. Why? What the hell is wrong with me? I'm not part of his life anymore! He decided to cut me from his life because I'm not a musician. He doesn't want me and was very cold to me the last time he spoke. So why am I now fighting this massive urge to call or email or look at his myspace or whatever? WHY??? What is wrong with me??? And how do I keep from doing it? I keep typing in part of the URL and then stopping myself...

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it's natural to feel like that. It takes a while to let go. You have to grieve over this. Allow yourself a period of time to type in the url and look at the old photos. Listen to those songs that remind you of him and all that. It's part of the process. To truly let go of something, we go through that grieving process. Don't let it last too long though. Eventually, you will move on and those songs won't be as painful to hear. As long as you understand that this is over and you are not holding on to the notion that you might get back together, you'll be ok. Time will do it's work.

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Hope you feel better


Having a terrible day myself...just found out the surfer the ex cheated on me is moving to closer to where she lives

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there's no way i can look at his pictures or hear his music yet. no way. i would break down. i am still so in love with him and want so much to get back together. dammit. i don't know if i'll ever really heal from this one.

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I was at that place at the beginning of the year. I didn't think that I would ever heal. I couldn't look at the photos or anything like that but eventually I healed. You will too. Give it time

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there's no way i can look at his pictures or hear his music yet. no way. i would break down. i am still so in love with him and want so much to get back together. dammit. i don't know if i'll ever really heal from this one.


I hear what you're saying sedgwick, I can't listen to nearly all of my cd collection because it would just tear my heart and mind out. As for photos, it's bad enough when her image comes into my mind without looking at photos of the 'good old days'.

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