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-> ms. more approachable


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hello ppl! This is a questions for the guys:


I have no doubt of my attractiveness, but for some reason, only the really agressive guys go after me. How can I make myself more approachable for the less agressive ones, without becoming the one to make moves? (I much much prefer if the guys does 99% of the calling, and so on). Aside from the the agressive tigers, only guys who REALLY like me ask me out - they later tell me that they do it thinking - I'll always regret it if I don't try.


I have been told before that I'm a reserved unaffectionate person so I've been trying to become more friendly, but ...


thanks in advance, guys!


Oh and one more thing. When I go to parties, people will often ask if I'm feeling OK - I think that is because I just sit down and don't really go all crazy. I meantion this because perhaps this is one of the things that makes me less approachable.


thanks again!

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You are the way you are so you need to be around people who are similar to you and will understand you. Opposites may attract but they don't stay together forever.


Figure out what your interests are and go to places where people share those interests. Join organizations, do volunteer work, attend classes, workshops, forums, etc. If you like to dance, take dance lessons...or give them. In settings where you are there for a worthwhile purpose and people aren't looking for Ms. Personality, you will have a lot easier time not only getting asked out but being asked out by people with whom you share lots of interests.


Going to parties and clubs to meet compatible people is like playing the lottery. Yes, you can get dates but will there be anything really there to explore as time goes on.


Don't try to change yourself, that's false advertising. You are who you are and you have to attract people to yourself who like who YOU are. If guys don't approach you, there's a good reason for that. You aren't in the right places.


I don't think there's any problem at all with you initiating conversations with guys who don't approach you. You're attractive and they will likely not reject an engagement in talk. Once they get to know you that way, you might be surprised at the number of guys who will get comfortable enough to ask you out.


If all this was easy, everybody would be out on Saturday night.

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