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how long should i wait?


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I'm 17 and a senior in high school. I've never dated, until two days ago. I knew a girl for about two months, and I finally asked her out. We met each other for lunch, talked for a couple of hours, walked around, it was very nice.


I really like her, and I want to eventually get to the point where we are more officially "dating." I'm afraid if i move too slowly, we'll end up just being friends, and I'll be hanging around, really into her, while she completely ignores me. But if i move too quickly, I'll scare her off.


What should I do? How do I let her know I want to see her on a more regular basis? Should I not worry about it so much after just one date?

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If you want to see her more often, ask her out more often. As far as making her your official girlfriend, I think you need to wait a while. You will probably get some good signs from her if she wants that to happen.


For now, just keep it fun and stay out of her face. Young girls hate guys who call too often and try to take up all their time. But be sure to call her or ask her out often enough that she knows you're interested but NOT often enough to become a pain in the ass.

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