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best age for marriage


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I notice that there's a trend with people getting married in their early 20's (or at least that's what it seems to me b/c I'm in college). Personally, I believe that people who are in their early 20's shouldn't get married because a lot of people in that age range are just graduating from college and are most likely gonna change emotionally a few years down the road. However, I also think that it depends on the couple, so there are exceptions. I think late 20's to early 30's is a good age. I was wondering what you guys on loveshack think is a good age for marriage emotionally. Thanks

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I personally don't think there is a "perfect" age for marriage - it just completely depends on the people, and their circumstances, and what point they are at w/ their relationship.


I think also it isn't something that shouldnt be rushed. I think it truly takes 2-3 years to REALLY begin to know someone.


Also I think its best if both people are done with college because you should enjoy that time and use it to find exactly what you want with your life.


Also being in a position where both people are starting to be financially stable would be good.

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Dementia's a plus.


On a slightly more serious note, I'd say late 20s or early 30s. That way the first brain cell you were born with will have had some time to divide and begin to multiply.


Wish I'd taken my own advice the first time around.

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I think in general late 20's to mid 30's.


It depends on the couple's maturity, what they want to do when they 'grow up', and getting past the education part (college, grad schoo, and 1st job)

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I met hubby 2 weeks before I was 18, got engaged 2 months later, married 7 months later...Been married 15 yrs now and have 4 kids. I worked fulltime and graduated college while married with 2 children....


It really is individual to me...Everyone is different in their views and wants and needs in life and how they attain them...

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I Luv the Chariot OH
I met hubby 2 weeks before I was 18, got engaged 2 months later, married 7 months later...Been married 15 yrs now and have 4 kids. I worked fulltime and graduated college while married with 2 children....

Just because you married someone before you actually got to know them and turned out to be one of the few lucky ones doesn't mean it's an intelligent decision, or for anyone else.


I'd say once you hit your mid-twenties you're usually mature enough to deal with the implications of that sort of lifestyle, but in some of cases it's a lot older than that.

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I think it's individual. I've known people married at 15 stay together for life (happily) and I've seen people married ay 40 divorce within a year. It just depends on the couple, where they are at in life, where they plan on going in life, and how they accomplish their goal together.

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I'm planning on telling my kids 35 years old minus two years for every kid you want to have. I got married way too young the first time.

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