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"I just saw Alicia(the ex) at the gym"


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It's one thing to give me your opinion but it's another to insult me or suggest that you know exactly what my intentions or motives are in my life. As I've said many times, until you walk a mile in my shoes, don't tell me what I feel :)


Something that is often lost is that while people have perhaps been in similar situations, if they aren't in your exact situation with the exact same feelings, they don't really know how they would act. Giving advice is one thing, but presuming to know how you really feel or what your motives are is another.


Underpants, No More MR Nice Guy is really about being NICE, most of the time. It is also about teaching men, for example, if their gf upsets them, to actually say "I'm really upset about this." It teaches them to say, if they haven't been having sex as much as they'd like, "I want more sex." And it really is about becoming more vulnerable with the women in your life, making your interactions more genuine. Because some guys are so scared to ask for what they want or potentially stir things up, they do nothing, and it results in less intimacy or them being taken advantage of.


The title is perhaps, misleading, as it suggests it is about being a jerk because otherwise nice guys finish last. That is not the case at all. It advocates being genuine, and that does include standing up for yourself and expressing anger if your wife/gf upsets you. Trust Caliguy and myself, it is very different than some of the dating self help guides that advocate being a jerk, cocky, etc, to meet women.

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