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I love my b/f to death, and trust him very much. But when it comes to online forums and chat's I get very jealous and my ugly side comes out. I have acess to some forums he chats on as he logs on on my comp and stays logged in. He has even told me to look at a few (mainly computer forujs as we are both geeks) so it isn't as if I am snooping.

I find myself making sure he isn't chatting to anyone in a bad way. Even tho I know that he never would. Even if I see a females nick has pm'ed him my body goes numb and I get all upset. I will look at the msg and it will be a simple, on topic msg regarding the forums but I still get very jealous.


I had alot of past issues which I have gotten over, but this one thing (i.e. online chat) I just can't seem to get over. My ex used to pick up people on the net and sleep with them while I was pregnant. I know in my mind that my b/f would NEVER EVER cheat or do anything to hurt me yet my body still lashes out (inside)


Any hints? Or ideas from people who have been in my shoes?

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I think your just jealous of what he could be doing. I know the whole online thing because my ex cheated on me using the net.


Do you have any reason to be jealous about this? Is he giving you any signs to be jealous about? Is he acting weird at all?

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None what so ever. This man is 100% quailty A grade material. Great family man, honest, beautiful inside and outside, wouldn't and couldn't cheat if he tried.

It just scares me that someone else will see that and try and grab him.


He goes out with his mates and work mates and has a few drinks, acts like an idiotic male and I am fine with that, it just seems the internet medium freaks me out.


:( I don't know how to control my nervous twitches and tummy aches. I have come to one conclusion, not go to the foums I am not familiar with as they are the ones that cause the problems with me.


Don't get me wrong, this isn't something that impacts us or our relationship. It is soley an impact on me and usually when he isn't around.

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You still have those feelings because he used the internet as a means to cheat on you before, so there's still going to be some ill feeling to him using the internet in the way that he does (the chat room). However, if he's telling you to read the messages, it may serve as a sign that he's hiding nothing from you, and that he wants you to trust him.

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You just need to change your way of thinking. Your brain is used to thinking and acting a certain way. Maybe because you haven't given yourself enough time to get over your last breakup. You need to stop yourself every time you get a thought like that, and breathe. Remind yourself that he is not your ex, and move past it.

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I find myself just retreating from the world and I feeling awful.


Awful because of the way I feel, psychically sick and in pain and awful because I feel like I am comparing(and lowering) my current b/f to my ex.


I just wish I could get rid of my automatic pilot response.


Getting on another topic, I don't know how many of you remembered my thread about moving in with him. Well my b/f still hasn't got a house and we spend weekends together (he comes over here). I am now worried that when he gets house as i do not want to stay with him for more than the weekend. He made it very clear (as you all pointed out to me as well) that he doesn't want to live with me, but I can go over whenever I like. I no longer want to do that as what we have now and how we feel is amazing and I think it is because we see each other one day a week and I don't want to invade into his life when he gets a house.


So now I am thinking of not going to his house any more than when we see each other now. He knows how upset I got our this subject when we talked about it, and I do not want him to force himself to spend time with me because he wants to make me happy.


For some reason this "I am worried and concerned about everything" only happened in the last week and there was no trigger that I can see.


I think I just go through these fits once in a while! :(

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