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need advice on age difference

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I am 38, he is 59 , we have a lot in common and like each other a lot, he is the nicest person I ever met. But why does everybody keep telling me it will not work? Is age any guarantee that it will work? In my experience there are good and bad people of any age. But all this negative comments make me doubt, please tell me your opinion, I am so confused.

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Listen to your own heart and your own common sense. On the surface it may seem like love will conquer everything. And maybe it will.


My husband is about a decade older than I am. It's funny but as we each get older, we tend to relate to the things we associated with in our youth. I don't remember the sames things that he does and it gets frustrating for him sometimes. He spends more time talking to my mother than me!


There are health issues to think about too - it doesn't matter how healthy you both are, age brings on more health risks. Lifestyles often have to change because of these things.


I ended up in my 30's having to push my husband around in a wheelchair. He's had surgery since and can get around on his own, but during that time I really saw the difference in our ages. His attitudes have changed in a different way from mine. He never thought he would "think" old, but he is starting to.


Are there any children involved? If he has kids that are around your age it could cause some tension. If you have young kids hemay not want the effort of raising them at his age.


Look at finances too - he's approaching retirement.


But, if you love each other, and address all the concerns that you have and that other people bring up, and you are happy with what you decide, then your answer to anyone who says to you "this is wrong" will be, maybe it's wrong for you, but its right for us.


Listen to others' concerns, but don't let them tell you what to do.

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People will always judge... but in the end, it's your life and your relationship, only you know how well you relate and how good (or not) you are for each other, no one else can possibly know.


The only person responsible for your happiness is you... approve and define yourself, bollocks to everyone else!.

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