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Let's say for example you can remember everthing about a woman I mean you can remember everything she told you. Would a woman like this or not? please send me your responses.

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Of course she would like it. Women like to be listened to and understood. They like those things to be remembered, especially if that is for their benefit.


Now, do I get a prize?

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Um, "remember everything she told you" as in being able to recount and repeat conversations and such?


That would creep me out a little. Remembering special holidays/events and what a woman was wearing or if she said something important or special (I love you, I hate that soup, etc.) is great -- you'll know never to order that soup for her.


But having everything stored in memory is kind of like keeping a ledger and, depending on how you use the information, might put a woman on the defensive if she changes her mind or opinion about something.


Some things are best forgotton.

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