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just a note to write, i now understand that you did want me to be happy and you did mean what you said. however that will never change how you acted during the break up, but should i hold that against you?


ultimately you were just as inexperienced as i was, and maybe my attitude wasn't the right one either. all i know is it hurt like hell and im glad im out on the other side.


yes i still miss you and think about you from time to time, but thats ok. and i realize that i loved you more than i ever did show, but again i was inexperienced and you were my first love. so sue me.


i know now that you did what you did for a reason and you wanted to take a different path. well good luck with it. it looks like your having fun, personally i wouldnt want to be in a serious relationship whilst at university and living with the person. thats what caused us so much problems remember?


well i hope you and him enjoy cleaning the toilet and washing up dished together. and since he is 5 years older than you, enjoy having an old dog when your not even 25. i shall be in my prime looking better than ever.


would be good to see you again one day. remember when i said wouldnt it be weird if we didnt see each other for four years... well looks like that might happen.


anyway take care and wish you all the best. i will never forget your laugh or smile.

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Again I woke up this morning and you were the first thing that popped into my head. I am so sick and tired of this. When will this suffering end. I went to bed last night feeling ok but this morning I felt like crap.


I thought I was going to be fine when I woke up this morning, but when I did you were not beside me. I hate you so much for putting me through this. I hope that the guy your with now will break your heart and use you the way you did with me.


How the hell can you just forget me, when you said that you will never leave and that you will be by my side forever. But I guess that was a lie. Everything you told me were lies and I was stupid enough to believe them. But you know what, this is the last time i'm ever going to let anyone use me like you did.


I hate and despise you so much. I hope one day when you realized how much I did for you and when you come crawling back, I'll be 10x as cruel as you were to me. I F****ING HATE YOU

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I hate you so ****ing much. YOur out with this new guy enjoying the night away while I'm here at work feeling like crap. I wish that one day he would tear your heart apart so bad as you did with mine.


I want you to feel every single pain and hurt you put upon me. I wish I never met you. That first time I broke up with you I should have never taken you back when you came groveling at my feet.


You told me that we would always be together and start a family. But what do you do? You threw all that away.


U used me in so many ways. When you were pregnant I was there all the time to support you even though I knew the baby was not mine. You insisted that we live together and so we did even though I had second thoughts but I loved you enough to do it.


I helped you try to get a job, I got you whatever you needed, I took care of your baby as if though she was mine. I gave up so much of my time for you. I know there were times that I was not the best BF but who is. Everyone has their own flaws. No human is perfect.


Everything you said about never leaving me, starting a life with me, getting married, and having our own child. Those were not what I wanted before I met you. I fell in love with you so much that I changed that way of thinking. I really thought that you were the one.


I fell in love with you abnd I thought you were to but you tore my heart apart and had no type of remorse or symphathy for me at all.


I hope this new guy your with tear you heart to a million pieces. I want you to suffer and feel every single pain that you put me through. I hate you so much and despise you but why do I still have this feeling of love for you.

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But i won't i'm up and down I'm sick to death.


Dear Nob,


You don't like me no more after 4 years of Me putting up with all the lies from you and the crap from your kids. I'm controlling well huh you work out of town all the time and the my job comes first bull crap and the suppers out and drinking is bull****. Oh now you hate me b/c you have no life yah ok as I'm keeping our home and raising my kids during the week means **** I guess i should have had a b/f on the side for companionship like your first wife did. Then i wouldn't have bothered you during the week. Oh ya did i ever tell you your d i c * is really small maybe you have that small man syndrome. friends and family feelings come first and mine on the back burner your a total assh*** and you will never be man enough for any woman. I see now you don't really know how to treat the one you love but instead play i'm Mr. nice guy and everybodies friend to look good but I know how much of a thief you are. Go one mr. nice guy go ahead tell the world i'm a bit** I rather be a bit** than a dic*less man


Have a good life alone like you want it your 43 grow up ya mamas boy



That feels better maybe i can sleep tonight with out waking in tears

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Flying Burrito

Pete showed me some pictures of him and Kim on their trip. They looked old. Like as old as our parents old. Kim looked like she is about 50. I have no idea why this made me think about you but it did.


No. I thought about you because no matter what you always look good. I looked at those pictures and all I thought was thank God Amy looks better than that. Then I felt sad.

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Why don't you understand? How could I mean the world to you, and then mean nothing to you? How do you know we wont work out--you wont even give it a chance. I love you and want to be with you...why does that seem to be too much to ask for?


You know I've been having serious thoughts of suicide lately. It's definitely not all contributed to this breakup...there are many things that contributed. But this breakup definitely made me consider it much more. If one more thing goes wrong in my life anytime soon, I'm sure things will be followed through with. I don't know why I'm telling you this though...I'm sure you wouldn't care. Hell, you probably wouldn't even know if I died or not.

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i can't believe i was upset over this. i now realize that i got a chance to escape from your crazy ways and i took it immediately! i know you're pissed about how i disappeared the second there was someone else, bet you expected to have 'the talk' with me huh? please, you were the one chasing me in the beginning, like hell you were going to 180 *me*.

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It really seems you dont give a **** about me. You tore my heart apart and then have nerve to tell me you want to be friends? you ****ing betrayed me with some other ****wit. My friends have dignity and respect which are qualities you will always lack. How dare you make me feel this way! I only ever treated you with love. I would have provided you with everything i could, i would have ****ing died for you without hesitation! thank you for showing me how much of a shallow bitch you can be. I hope your happy with your dead end ****tart that will be able to give you **** all. Your life has now taken a big step back, you will never sleep next to anyone of my quality again! I will hate you for along as i need to and then take pity on you for being so blind. Enjoy the hole which ive no doubt you will soon find yourself in. I wont be there to reach down and help you out this time. Good luck in your new bed, bitch

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i am so gooddamm exhausted of always having to give more that you... you don't even acknowledge me when i call you...

you have disrespected me in so many ways ... and it has pushed me to just stop contacting you anymore.. no more letters overanalyzing our situation, no more links to books or music that can help us move forward, no more wanting to share in ideas of how to heal... no more.

AND I am such a naturally loving person that even i get heartbroken when i stop trying...

you tell me you still have faith

you tell me you aren't ready to let go...

but you sure disappear when you want to

you do as you wish without knowing how much you hurt me

you tell me you still love me

but ARE THERE ANY F***king ideas in your head that

help us regain what we lost?

no its always up to me


You're the "hurt one"..but you push me away too...



and you know what more sad

is that we lost the sacredness of love

the moment you hit me


I don't know where else we can take this...

I don't know why you just sit there...ignore my efforts

and yet BLAME THE WHOLE **** on me


my energy is wasting away with us


i am exhausted

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Today I am depressed. I had a dream about you last night. Its ****ing awful!!!!!!


For the first time in, hmmmm...................3 months, we spoke. I couldnt believe that you were at my uncles, that wasnt your usual working day. I wish I hadnt have been there, I really wish you hadnt of either.


Why did you talk to me? Was it because you felt you had to or because you wanted to? You done a good job of avoiding me at uni-and on my birthday-well funking done!


The worse part of it is that we HAVE A SPARK, a connection, what ever. Yeah, you can put it down to 'we just get on well', but that wasnt the case. Our conversation bounced, sparkly eyes, playful tones and holding eye contact. And you were so cheeky and flirty with me. I could see it. I could feel it.


Why cant you just be a man and give me another chance? You funking lingered around to talk to me, just like I did you. Why did you do that if you dont want to be with me anymore. Why did it seem as if you were happy to be wth me, almost as if we hadnt broken up.


I know for a FACT that if you would have spent the day with me aftre we broke up then you would still be with me now. How do I know this? Because we LOVE each other, but you are just too much of a STUBBORN MANLY B*stard to let us try again. We wont go round in cirlces. I could have said that about you cheating but i didnt, I gave you a chance. I wish I didnt becuase my heart and head wouldnt be so ****ed up now. I wish I would have dropped you right there and right then. I hate myself for not realising what a selfish man I was with. You dont play fair chris, fair is not in your vocabulary.


I just dont believe you. Seeing you at my uncles and the way you were with me made me reaslise how much we connect.


OMG! Why didnt you let me get in the car and go? Why the hell did you keep me talking instead of letting me go? Why didnt you get back to work when you had finished your ciggy? I must have been at least 15 mins collecting that paper, your fag would have been finished and you could have got on with thinsg but instead you chose to linger around.


Do you realise how much I pray for your return? Do you realise how much I hate you for not letting me prove myself? Do you know what it feels like to think about someone every minute of the frickin day? Do you know what it feels like to not want to be with anyone else but you? Or how much of a struggle it is to connect with a new bloke? It been 4 months chris, 4 F*CKING MONTHS!!! and Im still not over you. I must be mad.


All I know is that I love you with all of my heart and sou.


I love you squidge xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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You have made me feel worthless. You have crushed my hope of a happy future. You dont give a **** about what we had. You are so selfish and only concerned with immediate gratification and the nostaligia of a new boyfriend. I ****ing hate you so much right now, I hope your bull**** thing you have going with this ****wit falls threw and you have no one. I hope you wake up screaming in agony at the loss of me from your life. I hope you wake up longing for me by yourside only to find your bed empty now and forever. You discarded me and my love like it meant nothing. How can you honestly think i can forgive what you have put me threw? How can you honesly believe i would want to be your friend?

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I have accepted the breakup. I know why it happened, and I know if it had never happened I would have never saw and realized the things about our relationship that I am currently seeing.


I know you're done with the relationship. I know you don't want back in. I know you want your freedom. I know I have to let go and move on--and I will, an am, doing just that.


Why can't you prove me wrong though? Why can't you call me up to say, "I'm sorry...I want one more chance"? I've had a month to suffer, and a month to think about things. I love you and want you, that's all there is to it.


So can't you just prove to me that every time you told me you loved me, every time you said you wanted to marry me someday, etc...that is was all true. That they weren't just words coming out of your mouth.

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Why are you messaging me today, after not for two weeks. I hate acting like everythng is ok when im torn up inside.

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I can't believe you were actually going to try and start a conversation with me today. I can't even believe you had the cheek to smile at me when you saw me!

I had to go to the shop opposite yours because of the atm but purposefully went before 11am as I knew you wouldn't have been there. Or so I thought.

My heart started beating faster and I got butterflies when I saw you but the thought of talking to you actually made me feel a bit dizzy and sick. I'm glad I had the strength to turn and walk the other way when you started walking towards me. I can't speak to you yet. It's weird to think that just a week ago I was desperate to talk to you but you were the one ignoring me! Now you want to come talk to me but it's not gonna happen.


I'll drop your money off at the end of the month but I've decided to just drop it through your door. As I've deleted your number I'll tell G and get him to let you know. I can't see you, it would be too hard right now. I'm feeling so much better in myself at the moment and seeing you just brought me back a few steps.


I still love you and miss you but have realised you're too much of a coward to even waste my time on. Considering you're 13yrs my senior one would assume you'd have had the b*llocks to speak to me when I asked you too. I've had people tell me maybe you were trying to get over me but obviously that wasn't the case. Unless of course I'm THAT easy to get over that you've managed it in a few short weeks! You were just loving the fact that you had me on a short leash and that I was the one doing the chasing. Now that I'm in NC with you all of a sudden you want to speak to me? Doesn't work like that. I'm not just gonna come running back to you because YOU'VE decided you want to talk to me...

I know I'll see you at G's place in a few weeks and I hope to god that either I'm in a position to handle speaking to you or that you don't even bother trying, preferably the latter.

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I've reached the point after the breakup where...I'm still sad that you're gone. I still miss you and want you back. But I know that nothing can be said or done to make you come back, it'll just happen if that's what's meant to be. However, whether with you again or not, I know everything will be OK in the end. I know there is someone out there who will want me--and, even if he breaks up with me, will chase me because that's how much he loves me.


I still want that guy to be you, ABM. But if it's not, then I guess it really wasn't meant to be.


I've got to the point where I'm no long waiting and asking myself, "how can I make him come back?" I'm not doing that anymore. You said you wanted things to be over, and I've now come to respect that. After all, that is what love is about--respect--right?


What's it called when you reach that point? Is it acceptance?


God. I hate having to accept that we are over, but I know it's the only thing I can do. Accept that it's over...and if we are meant to be, you will be back in my arms someday.


Until then, I have to spend tonight studying for a test tomorrow. And after the test tomorrow, I'm going on a date with a really nice guy. On Wednesday, I will be meeting some friends for lunch. Thursday, I will be celebrating my dads 48th birthday with him. And on Friday, I will turn 20, and will probably not get a Happy Birthday from you, but that's OK, because I am probably going to see that movie (the one you and I were supposed to see together) with a couple of friends, and eat some birthday cake.


I miss everything we shared--all of the memories. But more than the memories, I miss you. I hope you miss me too, and I hope someday you want to work things out, but until then my life will go on. I will surround myself with good times and love with friends and family.

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It's been months since I've written to "you" on here...and nearly a year since the breakup. Congratulations on your near-year anniversary with the hooch.


I'm still working on breaking the hold our relationship has had on me for the last year. And I still wish for some grander, better resolution than the ugly way things ended. But if history is any indication, I won't wait around for you to become an enlightened, empathetic man willing to take responsibility for yourself. Which makes me sad. I still carry around an image of your potential, and I still have trouble reconciling it with the small, selfish man you turned out to be. I still want to think that that is some weird anomaly instead of reality. I still want to believe you are a good man with a good heart. Maybe from afar I will eventually let go of my anger and hurt and simply wish for you the ability to become a good man with a good heart. I always said I wanted your happiness. Eventually I hope to return to that place and truly wish you well.

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Please please please stop texting me. It's getting more and more difficult to not reply and I refuse to let myself break NC again.

You may have realised you were a fu*king idiot and made a mistake but I've come to realise that being in a relationship is not what I need right now. As much as I just want to pick up the phone, or go to yours and be in your arms you did too much damage and I have too much dignity now.


Yes, I have been with someone else since we split a few weeks ago. No, G wasn't lying to you. No we're not together and no I don't intend on being with him. He is my tool to get over you so leave me alone and let me get on with my life.


I love you so much but I can't go there again.

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Why, why do you email me (or write to me, or phone me) every year? Why do you do this? What is it that you want? What is it that you're hoping to achieve?


I broke up with you in 1995. That was 14 years ago. Fourteen years! For the love of God, just get over it. I'm tired of these unwelcome intrusions in my life.


These emails you send me, about the degrees you've gotten and where you're working... They do not impress me. Honestly. I don't care that you have a PhD and work for Obama. Do you want to know why? Because to me, you are and always will be a lying, manipulative boy. I knew you were brilliant back then; I had no doubt you'd go on to achieve "great things." But I'm aware that the flipside of your brilliance is your ability and your willingness to use it for evil as well as good.


Your narcissism disgusts me. Your name-dropping amuses me. Stop trying to use your "insecurity" as an excuse for lying to people.


Does your wife know that you still contact me? Does she know you do it every time you're in some far-flung corner of the globe? I want to contact her and tell her.


There are many things I'd like to tell her.


Does she get off on manipulating people as much as you do? Is she your partner in crime? Or is she another victim of your evilness?


I hope it drives you crazy that I don't reply to you. I hope it keeps you up at night, that for all the fancy degrees you have and all the bigwigs you work with, that a girl you wronged over a decade ago knows who you really are and won't forgive you. Haha, I have the power here. And you know what? I don't even think about it. I only wield this power every year or so when you send me a pathetic little plea for attention, and I ignore it.



P.S. Please don't stop contacting me. If you stop, it means you're over me, and I couldn't stand that. I'd think I've disappeared.


P.P.S. I hate myself for that last part. And I bet you know it. And I bet you like it. Bastard.

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Do you hurt as much as I do?

Do you ever wake up in the mornings missing the "Good morning" phone calls we'd give each other, like I do?

Do you miss not being able to walk together hand-in-hand like I do?

Do you miss the goodnight text messages we used to send each other every night?

Do you miss how we used to celebrate the 22nd of each month for our anniversary?

Do you miss how we used to talk on the phone every night?

Do you miss how we used to get into stupid little arguments, then kiss and make up?

Do you miss how we used to go shopping for holiday's together?

Do you miss me spending the night at your house, and us cuddling up on the couch and sleeping?

Do you miss the times when we'd cook dinner together?

Do you miss the Friday nights we used to have?


Do you even miss me at all? Do you even want me as much as I still want you?


How could someone I love so much, put me through so much pain?

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I miss you so bad. I still love you, despite all of these things that I have heard lately. Now I know why you were so distant such a long time ago. I know some of the things you were doing behind my back. I thought it would help me get over you but instead I feel more used, distressed, angry, depressed, sad, lonely, etc.


I am sick of having dreams about you and our son. I had a dream last night you dropped him off at an orphanage and he ran away to my house, only to resent me for contributing to our breakup.


I wish you would just come over and hang out with me for a little bit, so I don't feel alone anymore. I am ridiculously lonely.


I don't know why I still feel so attached to you knowing all that you did behind my back. I attribute it directly to what I did behind your back, and the intense amount of remorse I feel about the whole ordeal.


How come you don't miss me? How are you over this all so quickly? You tell me you think about me everytime you look into our son's eyes...but what do you think? Do you purposefully resent me? Do you deliberately think angry thoughts about me? Or do you say to yourself, "Wow, I really miss him and wish things could work out"?


If the only reason you're doing all of this is to hurt me, its working. And it will probably continue to work until I find a new girlfriend, which has been next to impossible thus far. I imagine it will get better once I move out of our townhouse, but right now, life is much to difficult to imagine without you and my son together, as a family. I am inching closer and closer to suicide. I don't say that to scare you or anyone else, I say that because its the truth.


I really hope to hear from you soon. We have to go separate our phone plans, you know this. Even though I assume that situation will be troublesome, I just want to get it over with.


At least I'll get to see you...

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Is it wrong of me to be laughing at you right now? You said you would be happier without me, alone and single...and now, from what I see and hear, your life is pretty much nothing. I heard that you were supposed to have lunch with a couple of friends today, and they bailed on you.


It's typical, isn't it? I told you when we were still together that they weren't true friends...they were NEVER there for you when you needed someone. They only times they ever popped up was when they got bored and wanted someone to occupy their time with.


Maybe in time you will realize that I was a good friend to you, and a good girlfriend. Until then, I'm honestly sitting back and laughing at how pathetic you have become. Get over yourself. You're 21, stop trying to act like you're 16.

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i made the mistake of returning your call and hearing the beautiful voice i love, you hurt me deeply, i try to move on yet a part of my heart only wants you, i date other women yet there 2nd best to you, you do stupid things and i hurt, you treat yourself worse then anyone should, i don't care if i'm with you or not, i just wish u would stop this crap, you meant the world to me, even if u didn't believe it...... you play it off like your fine but in a week you will be calling, i just wanted to protect you, be the man, and i tried my best, i love you, dont fall into this pit, this crap, i pray you will be ok, you can do it on your own and one day things will be fine, i just can't stick around to see u fall when i know u wont take my advice, so please one day when all is well, give a call tell me your ok, tell me you took me for granted and did't appreciate what i thought of you, i just wanted you happy, i only cared for you............ luajg

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I cant wait for you to see me in a year from now. I'm gonna look so good your gonna regret ever letting me go. Im gonna make you call me text me beg for me i'm gonna ruin your relationship because i'm gonna make you realize what you lost with out me having to do anything but you seeing me. and you know waht I'm gonna say? "thank you, you did me a favour"

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A Message to You.


I have not seen or heard from you in a year.

I have enetered into a new relationship. The new girl is gaining traction. She is over-writing your memories, I can feel it happening. Not that many memories left to go. Another 6 months with her and you'll be gone from my mind. I can feel it.


So now what? I had a dream and you were in it. I had not dreamed of you in a long time. We were together, in a store, a restaurant and you were ordering food. It was sort of like a foreign restaurant but you knew the people there and felt comfortable. There I was, just looking at you, staring at you, you never realized how much I loved you. I had to look away so it would not be obvious. It was like you were showing me your new life. It's almost as if I was not a after-thought.


On my end, it took a long time before I got better. I'm still doing the same thing, waiting for another shot at success. The one that was given to me, I threw it away. That was a stupid move. This life I have now, I am mature, I understand more. I'm learning slowly.


Its really more about me than it is you these days. I can't saw I miss you, I don't remember. The things I do remember, it could't of been true. So now what? I am going to PR next week. I can't wait, I am going to take a detour into DR.


I am meeting a business contact, lets see how it goes. Life is moving and I am letting it pass bye. I peak my head out once in a while when there is something worth seeing. I pretty much recovered, not fully about 70% from the events that unfolded last year. I never knew you could do that to me. Boy you sure did destroy me for a time. Sweet old you.


I told myself, NEVER again would I put a women first. Never again would I use money to maintain a dieing relationship. I've added those principlies to my core values now. Thanks for the lessons. I have not forgotton, but its going away. Soon it will be gone, maybe less than a year.


I'm healed and stronger now, I can run again. Thank you for the time we spent together. I truely dis-like you. It's almost a sense of disgust. Its creeping in, slowly but surely.

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Why didn't you come by the house this week? Are you really that busy that you can't stop to see the pets? I don't want to see you - and I do at the same time. If I saw you, maybe I could gauge how you are doing... maybe not.


The fact that you haven't contacted me, and that you haven't come by has me obsessing that you actually *did* leave me for another man - did you? You can tell me, it will hurt, but I will be in a better place - a place where I don't have any more hope. I hate this hope that for some reason will not get out of my heart. It's okay, just tell me that you're back with him, and I can move on.

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