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And so it begins...


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As most of you have probably read I mentioned I broke free from the psychologically abusive and damaging cycle I was in with my NPD/emotional abuser. I've gone to all lengths possible to ensure he has no means of contacting me, including via internet. We both have myspace accounts.



Now, I haven't checked his account since I ended things but a friend of mine did and apparently he publicly broadcasted what happened only he suggested that "I'm a crazy". I suppose this is normal? He's pissed off and trying to switch things around into my faults? My friend wrote him and told him off which really upset me because my friend used personal details that I've confided. I felt kind of exploited and angry.



Still, he encouraged people to ask him what happened so he could explain what a psycho was. Unbeleivable. I attempted a clean break, and BAM suddenly it's all flipped around and he's broadcasting this PUBLICLY.


I just needed to rant..anyone have experiences something like this when they ended it with their NPD or abusive of any kind relationship?

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My ex "broadcast" his version all over a message board we both used to spend a lot of time at. He was a MM, (had lied and told me he was divorcing, when I found out he wasn't, I ended things). Yet he switched it all around, and made it seem as if I was some terrible homewrecker who set out to destroy his M. Bald-faced lie after lie. Why? Because his W, (whom he had conviently forgotten when he was pursuing me) decided that she wanted to join the message board. So, he had to tell all kinds of untruths, to make me out to be the bad guy. :rolleyes:

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