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What do you think of this type of guy?

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Here's a whole story if anyone is interested:



To recap:


My gf of 7 years left me for another guy that was texting her for 2 months or maybe more telling her how much he cares for her, likes her etc. Perhaps they'd even see each other who knows. They were school mates for 2 years when they were like 15, did very well understand each other and shared some emotions, hold hands and even kiss, were together all the time, sit together in school etc. My gf always said that it was him who was in love with her and she was more like friends but now that she looks back she believes how they had this great and deep bond and how blind she was because she thought she has had everything in me when she actually already had it in him. Because she met me at that time, fell in love with me and told the guy to f*** off. She even said, we wouldn't have been holding hands if we weren't in love. My reply was Jesus Christ, what do I care what happened 7-9 years ago when you were kids. FFS. The dude went on with his life back then, had a girl and even a kid with her at the age of 19. He was crazy about her but did text other girls and the gf found out and kicked him out of the house. He begged her to work it out but she would refuse. Then he went on texting other girls and finally my now ex gf. My ex has written to me how this guy has destroyed his life looking for happiness elsewhere when all he would ever care about was actually her. I don't know if this is something he told her or it's her own impression. It could all be true but I think it's a delusion. I responded: "Yeah I'm positive he was thinking about you when he was making a child". She was like ok whatever, suddenly it didn't matter anymore so perhaps it was her story to justify her behavior and push me away who knows. I had a short online argument with a guy who at one point told me how they'd share emotions before I'd even know she exists. I hate this guy's guts and I told him he's a piece of s*** ruining long term relationships. He has a child with a different women. Go work out things with her or find someone else who is single out there right? He said and also my gf said because she probably heard him from him how he would have no chance if everything was ok with us two. I said I know it wasn't perfect but it was our problem to deal with and that his logic as dumb as hell, that If it would be so I'd go out fishing for married girls and those in long term relationships and if one bites I did the couple a favor. I told my gf I am positive I'm a better person than he is because I'd never do such a thing and I know I wouldn't even if it was the love of my live. I'd wait for her to be single or just move on with my life. How f* up is this?!


I still have it stuck somewhere in the back of my mind how they are soul mates who are now reunited and I was in the way but on the other hand I think this is all BS and it doesn't matter what happened back then, they're both older now with different experiences etc. and I absolutely hate the way how she ended things with me after 7 years! Headed for the green pastures I hope she discovers they're not nearly as green as she hoped they'd be.

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What do I think of him? I think he's a bit dumb. Hasn't he ever heard, "if she cheats with you, she'll cheat on you"?

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He was just more of a draw for her than you were.



No rationale behind it except that at some point her attraction to him became stronger than it was to you.



You are better off without her and you can move on to someone who deserves you.



Stop stewing about her.

Get on with your own life instead. :)

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