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Meeting through Match vs Facebook

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I have been browsing an online dating site. There is a woman on there that I like. Beyond looks. I think we could be compatable. I have also stumbled apon her Facebook page as well.


So I know what she does for a living. What should I do?


I can either reach out to her through her Match.com profile or Facebook. If I do Match. I have to restart my membership.


In a Romantic comedy. If I reach out through facebook. I don't think anything would go wrong. Real life I am weary about that. So I need advice.


Reach out through Match or Facebook. If I do and get a response. Should I say I am aware of her Facebook or just keep it to myself. I also have this fear that I keep trying to overcome. Anytime I try to reach out romantically towards a woman. There is always an obstacle. I don't know why. To me, it always feels like it won't go smooth. If a Woman reaches out towards me romantically. Towards me. Things are smooth for a while. Am I being superstitious?


I wonder what the best course of action should be. I could do a Facebook request. Everyone does that. I get requests all the time. If she likes me. She would respond. I don't know if she has browsed my profile as its inactive.


Bottom line is that I know a little about her and I want to know if thats bad or not. My friend's wife MK, knew about MK before MK was aware of her. They really met at a social. JK used to be friends with MK's female boss.


Anyways. What's everybody's take? I am leaning towards joining Match.com for a month just to reach out that way.

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Take this with an about-to-be-qualified grain of salt...


I did computer and network (including Internet) security for many years. I have yet to encounter anyone who is as suspicious as I am. Even my colleagues 'in the business' throw up their hands saying that attacks on our personal privacy are too pervasive to beat. And, in spite of Equifax, fapgate, and who knows how many breaches that have not been reported, typical citizens either don't want to know or don't care. Not me. I have dozens of email addresses and make a more than average effort to keep my privacy intact.


All that said, I'd use Match to make contact with a romantic potential. The main reason is I consider FB to be the single most intrusive online service. The less I do on FB that reveals any personal details that I expect to be sold by FB, the better and I'm willing to pay a few $ to keep it that way. (Of course easy for me to say because a) I already have a live Match account and b) I use FB almost exclusively with javascript disabled so I couldn't access FB's alleged dating functions anyway.)

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I don't know anything about dating on Facebook.....does she have this feature activated? Or you just saw her there being her regular self (going about her life)?

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She is on there looking for a date so that is where you should contact her.

Her FB account is her personal space, she may not appreciate potential suitors showing up there uninvited.


I know FB is a public place too, but some are not too pleased when strangers try to engage there.



If you had no alternative then FB, but as she is putting herself out there on Match, then Match is the appropriate point of contact

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Another vote for Match. If some random guy sent me a social media request saying he saw me on a dating site then tracked me down, I'd be research how to get a restraining order.

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Just opt to restart your match membership and do it that way. I get why you looked her up on FB, but don't go that route. Sending her a message via FB messenger can make you look like a stalker and cause more problems than it's worth. It's just better to air on the side of caution. If it doesn't work, cut your losses and move on.

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Yes, Match for sure.


I think it's beyond creepy when I get friend requests and messages from men I don't know on Facebook.

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