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Take a Whack if Ya Want


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Whaz up? Call me Warman. Found the site and so I thought I'd put my ideas, concerns, yada, yada.


Anyways, lets get down to the fax. I am 24, virgin, no friends, yada, yada. I'm atheist with a hatred of all things religion and even government sponsored brainwash crap (i.e. science and evolution). I'm just a lazy SOB that does not socialize with others because everyone I see takes a look at me and sees "Cripple Retard" or "Easy Target" or something.


The point of this thread is this. Do I even stand a chance at any of this "dating" crap when I see that half the guys and chicks these days are into the "hood" culture with attitudes that scream "I'm gonna kill" at the first sign of criticism? I've never mixed well with that. I am a virgin, not because I tried, tried, tried again, but that I never even tried. See, long ago, some docs diagnosed meh with Aspergers (Ass-Burgers?) Syndrome. Left me wondering if others think of me as a walking retard cuz I can't read body language, yada, yada....


Don't give me superficial fluff, can't stand that crap. Anyone got anything useful on psychology that I could use to overcome this stuff?

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Whaz up? Call me Warman. Found the site and so I thought I'd put my ideas, concerns, yada, yada.


Anyways, lets get down to the fax. I am 24, virgin, no friends, yada, yada. I'm atheist with a hatred of all things religion and even government sponsored brainwash crap (i.e. science and evolution). I'm just a lazy SOB that does not socialize with others because everyone I see takes a look at me and sees "Cripple Retard" or "Easy Target" or something.


The point of this thread is this. Do I even stand a chance at any of this "dating" crap when I see that half the guys and chicks these days are into the "hood" culture with attitudes that scream "I'm gonna kill" at the first sign of criticism? I've never mixed well with that. I am a virgin, not because I tried, tried, tried again, but that I never even tried. See, long ago, some docs diagnosed meh with Aspergers (Ass-Burgers?) Syndrome. Left me wondering if others think of me as a walking retard cuz I can't read body language, yada, yada....


Don't give me superficial fluff, can't stand that crap. Anyone got anything useful on psychology that I could use to overcome this stuff?



My advice? the world owes us nothing absolutely zero!.. we get what we create for ourselves what we work for and sitting there feeling sorry for yourself is not going to make anything happen. So what you have Aspergers im sorry I refuse to believe that people with that are some how doomed to a miserable life or that you are totally incapable of functioning on a decent level.


Its a disability yes but people with disabilities function everyday and live happy lives so stop feeling sorry for yourself over that people are mean to you? well screw them I know it hurts but trust me in one ear and out the other if it makes you feel better tell them off stand up for yourself people will treat you how you teach them too.


Now far as the "hood rat crap" im thinking you are rather young? for any of that to even be a factor. You know what who cares what the fads are be yourself and do things to find like minded friends there are social circles for just about every kinda person these days..


Being a atheist by definition doesn't mean you "hate" any one religion or idealism it simply means you do not believe in anything spiritualistic that's it so when you die the light goes out and its over. And if that's really your views ok kudos to you I don't see how that's really relevant unless you being obnoxious about it and forcing your views onto others...


Do you have a chance at dating right now? prob not but its not because of your disability and its not because of how other people are acting its because you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and start taking charge of your life!..good luck hope things click for you sooner then later..

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You hate half the people, mad at the other half.



You do not believe in god.



You do not believe in science.



So evolution and creationism are both fake so where did all life come from?



As to your handicap you can sit and complain and have a poor life. Or you can play the cards dealt to you the best you can and get the most out of your life that you can.

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How about finding some Asberger's support groups where you might even meet people who are more like you and know where you're coming from. I can tell you've let yourself get bitter, and I understand when you have what seem like unfair challenges it's easy to get bitter. But I have to be honest and say when I read your post, to me, that is the most offputting thing.


Try to find activities that make you happy and take the edge off a little.

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If you want to meet someone, you're cgoing to have to change your attitude.


All you've done is list the **** you don't like (everything in creation).

No one is attracted to bitterness and angst.

And notice that dating sites usually list "Likes" or "Hobbies". They don't have a section for "**** that I have issues accepting and dealing with" lists.


You've immediately alienated about 99% of the population (at least in North America) just by by saying you with both evolution and creationism.

If every girl that may be interested instantly see that you have a political/religious conflict, and thinks it's so important to you that you listed it ahead of any "likes", she won't bother even feigning interest.


What are looking for? Someone to housekeep for you that an handle a constantly cynical and negative attitude?


You also seem to have very set opinions regarding dating despite a lack of experience. You also use blanket statements to characterize entire groups of people. Drop this. Admit you are unsure rather than come up with uneducated and biased criticisms based on stereotypes you've created. It's not you against the world. Treat each person as if you don't know anything about them when you first meet because despite your certainty in your judgements, you really don't know anything about any stranger.


If you want this to work, then give yourself a chance before you call it impossible.


People have been ****ing and making lives and babies together for 100 thousand years. All types of people have found a mate: normal people; OCD types, Autistics, ADHD heads--****, some chicks dig pedophiles. None of these traits would exist without people suffering from them making babies. It happens. A lot.


Seriously man

Get your **** together

You're the one who's cockblocking yourself. Not religion or Darwin or hood rats. if you're concerned enough to post then prove that you care rather than just wasting our time complaining


It's up to you

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