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Is he going to propose to me next month?

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Ok, Call me a Ditz-I dunno.


My boyfriend and I have been together for 6 months now. We met when he came home from Iraq in late August along with my prior best friend's husband. We were inseperable since then. Well, to get to the point now. . .


The past 2 months we have discussed getting a place together when he returns from Iraq again. He's being sent over again soon and won't be home until probably this time next year. And we have discussed marriage many times, and he always holds his same stand. That he wants us to live together for about 1-2 years before we are engaged or married.


He is his mom's oldest child and only son. She had told him before we ever started dating that she thinks he should wait until hes 25 to get married and he has told me that he agrees with her.


Here's the confusing part. The past week hes been talking about how he wants to be able to show me more how much he loves me and wants to prove how much he loves me. He says he knows of a way and that he's knows his mother is sure he will do what he feels is right. See, he and his mom are very close.


I've told him over and over he doesnt need to do or prove anything to me. that we are both doing the best we can for our situation- a long distance relationship. But he insists.


So, he and his beft friend are coming to see my family and I on March 5th. He's stationed at Ft. Stewert, Ga.


This is all I could get out of him, about his "proving" his love to me.


~his suprise has alot to do with money

~That I will be excited and want to brag or showoff to my girl pals

~Hes going to ask me a question that will suprise me but not suprise me, but he has to find something out from one of my two best friends, or see if they can find out for him

~He mentioned he had to find a size

~hes making a call to him family the week before he leaves to see me

~And that its taking place sometime in March.


Now, My friends and I think he may be proposing, but I don't want to jump to conclusions. I would be very excited if he were, but i don't want to get my hopes up. This sudden change in plans is confusing to me.


I'm unsure, What do you think?

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I think that you have enough clues to assume that he will propose. Now when you move in together and then he goes back to Iraq for a year, I hope that the to of you don't consider that living together for a year. Good Luck.

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Unless this is like a (not-so) funny riddle, he's *already* proposed, and is waiting for some kind of goahead from you before making it formal.

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