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What should I think of this girl?

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I told a girl I was probably moving at the end of the month and asked if she wanted to hang out..she said she was going on vacation but wanted to do something when she got back. That text was 10 days ago...she posted a pic 5 days ago but still no text...to be fair idk how long she is on vacation for, but I told her to text me when she gets back so I feel like ball is in her cour

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Idk I feel like messaging her when I told her to message me would come off as clingy...esp. considering its tech. Only been 5 days since the pic where she was clearly on vacay...and it seems like a cruise I think, plus could be she went straight back to work too so doesnt know her days off. I feel like just wait it out and if she doesnt message then she wasnt worth it anyway. If someone knows you'releaving and doesnt make time for you, they dont appreciate you.

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So many mistakes...



You don't ask a girl you like to 'hang out'... make it clear it's a romantic date.



When she said after she comes back from vacation you should have asked when she is back.



It's been 10 days since you communicated, and 5 days since she posted a pic somewhere or other, there is nothing wrong or 'clingy' about messaging her and touching base to see how she is and when she is back.



Lastly and most importantly, you can't expect a women to be chasing after you. That's your job as a man (I'm assuming you are male). She is probably getting offers left right and centre to take her out on a date, you think after one ambiguous message 10 days ago she is going to be all over you to meet up? No.

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Agree with the others. This is nothing more than a Hi, how are you..... Zero relationship for now.




If you want want, let her know. Ask her out... make it a real date, then you'll know if there's a chance.

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