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Friends told me he seems desperate


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/No, this is not the same guy I have made thread about before.


I have become friends with a new group of people and I and one of the guys really hit it off. We have kind of innocently flirted at parties. At school he always gives me attention and looks at me. I’m more reserved when I’m not drinking but he has complimented me and told me he likes that I’m so happy all the time(?). He initiates conversations, asks questions or my opinion on stuff. He has invited me out just the two of us, but I have declined, only accepted group hangouts.


The thing is, I talked with some of my female friends and they told me he gives of a needy/desperate vibe. Now, I have not picked up on this. He seems like a protective and nice guy that likes that everyone is having a good time – maybe a bit of a people pleaser? (There is another guy in the group that seemed desperate to get laid and I picked up weird vibes from him immediately)


When I have talked to other male friends he has kind of becomes defensive and insecure? (If I find the guys attractive, who is he, is he my boyfriend? etc.)


He seems like a good guy, but I’m not attracted to him romantically or physically - is he after something serious? Should I friendzone him?

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If you're not attracted to him, just don't cultivate any relationship. He's already jealous, so he's not going to be a good friend and will block other guys from you when possible. He sounds like he's clingy and would be hard to get rid of. So no reason to go out with him or encourage a friendship with him. It will only turn into an ordeal.

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