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Keeps liking my FB posts

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I posted a few months ago about a girl who kept me in her friend-zone. I told her my true feelings and she said she didn't feel it more than a friendly way. I told her I wanted to put this friendship on a hold because I liked her too much. Well, I haven't talked to her since February, bedsides one text ( I sent her a text and told her Happy Birthday) and she likes many of my posts and pictures on Facebook. I want to get over her but she's constantly there to like my posts. It's almost like a dagger in my heart every time she likes them. I want to get over her, but I always have this constant reminder of her...no thanks to her. I don't like anything she posts on facebook. How do I get rid/over her? Thanks.

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Well, for starters, you could block her on FB so she isnt able to like your updates, or pictures. Dont give her the chance to like things. You also wont get to see things she is tagged in either. That will help. The less you see her the better and the less you see her name the better. You could unfriend her as well and keep your page more private.

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