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Help me with my girlfriend


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Hello, im a senior in high school and i need some help with my g/f. She is really sweet and nice and cool, and I get so confused about 'us' and it really bothering me. I was her first date, first kiss, and essentially first boyfriend. Whenever we are hanging out, it seems as if im 'begging' her to be there. It seems like she would rather be somewhere else, or like she is always trying to leave. For example, today i was hanging out with her and her friend, and it felt as if we were all hanging out in one big group instead of me and her being together, and she seemed to even be a little distant. Then her friend was saying how she had to go home, but we can stay and talk, but my g/f stood up and left with her, Then i walked them to the car, and she just patted me and said bye. I wanted to like hug her or kiss her good bye. My ex/gf was awlays a lot more 'into' me it seemed, and im wondering if there's much that i can do to fix this situation. I dont mean i am needed to have her obsessed with me, but it'd be nice for her to at least seem interesed after a month of dating. It still feels awkward.... any suggestions? -david

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Young girls are very fickle. You may have been this girl's first boyfriend but it doesn't sound like she took it nearly as seriously as you did.


It's very likely that in the moment she was curious about having a boyfriend, kissing, etc. and may have even felt a little pressure from girlfriends to get on the bandwagon.


She's been there and done that now and is ready to move on. Let me tell you now, while you are young, and go get a pencil and paper and write this down...I'll wait while you get the pencil and paper...


Ok, glad you're back. Now write this down. When a female starts making you feel that you are not special or that she would rather be somewhere else, talk it out. If things don't improve immediately, set her free. You owe it to yourself to have a lady in your life who is really into you and wants to be with you.


Don't waste your time with anybody who makes you feel they'd rather be elsewhere.


Now, go put up the pencil but save the paper in your wallet and read it often.


Class dismissed.

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on another note, maybe she is just scared and doesnt know what to do next. Since it is her first boyfriend (as you said), maybe she isn't exactly sure how to handle. Perhaps she feels uncomfortable kissing and hugging you around her friends.


Definately talk it out with her, that makes all the difference.


If unresolved by discussion, then let it go before you get further hurt.

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