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stupid guy


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I wanted to share something that happened to me recently. About 6 weeks ago I met a guy at a professional function. I gave him my business card because I wanted to get involved in a project his boss was heading up. I ran into him socially later and he started calling me and emailing me pretty regularly. I had not thought of him that way but I was flattered by his attention. He took the "undate" approach, saying, "let me know if you are going to be out so we can meet up", so I played kind of hard to get (I still wasn't sure if I was interested, but I thought he should at least ask me out).


Anyway, he called the other day from the NY airport saying he was coming back to town (after three weeks of travel) and wanted to meet up. I was out with a group so I told him where we were, figuring it wouldn't hurt to meet up once. The group included several girl and guy friend, including one girl visiting me from California who is absolutely beautiful. She is also a close friend, and by coincidence, had dated a friend of his when she used to live here.


Anyway, he ended up talking to her all night and asking her out. Of course she thought he was a creep - extremely disrespectful to me and his friend who dated her.


My point is, clearly he was kind of interested me to have invested all this time trying (albeit sloppily) to put something together. Why would he chuck it all in one night to hit on a girl who lives 4000 miles away and would never have dated him anyway because she had dated one of his friends and was friends with the girl he was blowing off (me). For the record, he was aware of all these factors.


Why would someone make a stupid decision last night? I am not upset or insecure- I am an attractive girl with plenty of dates. She is an amazing girl so it is not an ego blow to lose out to her on a superficial basis like that, and she did nothing wrong so I am not upset with her. I know I am better off finding out what a clod he is early in the game, but I am just baffled at the logic.



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Some Thoughts

This guy is trolling for women - he liked you, but when he saw your amazing friend, he decided to go for the upgrade, so to speak.


It's easy enough to "meet up" with someone, without asking them out on a date, and ditching them when you find someone better. This doesn't reflect on you, it's a reflection of this guy. He is going to spend his life looking for something better than what he has - when he may have just passed up the best one - you.

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That guy sounds like someone I know unfortunately! His name wouldn't happen to be Mike would it?


I interpret men who have that type character as having no respect for women. Allot of men really don't think highly of women. His reasons for acting like a complete idiot probably stems from his childhood, how he was raised, experiences thats altered him, etc....


I dated a guy who invited me and a friend of mine out to a social gathering. Turned out that he had a date with him during this event and the date wasn't me. Needless to say I embarrassed him just little so that every other women in that place (including his date) would see the true horses butt that he is.


I still here about him. Though I haven't seen him since that very night I often hear how I bruised his ego.

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His name isn't Charles, is it?


Every woman has met a player like this. It's a good thing he did that before you really dated--you got to know what kind of person he is. I had invited someone to a party I threw--and he started flirting with someone else. We both dumped him! Men are always looking for the bigger, better deal. You can't be with a man that is like that---no matter how attractive you are there is always going to be someone prettier, younger, etc. etc. You can not be with a man that is searching for that because you'll be miserable.


Some bad things happen for good reasons. Good luck.

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