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Can someone possibly die from drinking too much soda?

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Is it possible that someone can die or suffer from health problems form just drinking soda on a regular basis.


Where I work at is on my campus's cafeteria, well it's sort of like a buffet and there's the soda machines (like the ones in Burger King). My record with the soda is everyday I go working (5 times a week), then offcourse comes the eggs (yea I also like eating eggs a lot).

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I drink one can of soda every single day. Sometimes two. I don't know why. I'm addicted, I guess.


I hear that all of the something in it can be damaging to your insides if drank in excess, though. Or something like that.


I don't think soda will make you die, per se, but I do think that if you drink too much of it, it can cause potential damage to your health in the long run, since I guess it promotes other types of illnesses.


Oh well.

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You can even die of water poisoning. It requires you to drink a lot (in the order of 4+ gallons a day), so yes too much soda will probably be lethal too.


I doubt however that you would even top 2 gallons of soda a day ...

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Soda is not good. Too many eggs is not good as they contain cholesterol. How much soda is tolerable? The less the better. How many eggs? Nutritionists' opinions differ, but eating eggs every day is not good, just like eating more than 2 yellows at once.


Has anyone ever died or got health problems from soda? I don't think there is any hard evidence of a person dying directly from drinking too much soda. It's not the worse thing ever. Besides, peple don't always die because they smoke or drink or eat junk food. That still doesn't mean that it's OK to do that, because many people DO suffer from health problems due to living unhealthy lives.


Try to replace soda with natural juices, milk or mineral water. It's really a matter of habit, nothing else. If this is the only sin of yours, you're doing great. ;)

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Drinking too much soda each day, in and of itself, will not kill or harm you. The body will resist any more liquids than it can handle.


You can die from diabetes, heart disease from obesity, metabolic syndrome, etc., which could result from the consumption of large quantities of sugar. Soda is flavored water with LOTS of sugar. This sugar can play havoc on your body over time. As a young person you may be able to handle it OK but as you get older, if you keep drinking the stuff in large quantities you'll be in loads of trouble. Whether or not you get a disease from too much soda or sugar depends on lots of things, including genetics (your ancestors and their predisposition to certain illness.)


Diet sodas aren't that much better. They contain Aspartame. Google "aspartame side effects" and you will see that one of them can be death. Aspartame is better known as equal and is used to sweeten lots of other things as well.


It's not only drinking too much soda you need to worry about. If you're concerned about living a good and long life, read up on diet, exercise and nutrition and adjust your eating and drinking habits. Where soda is concerned, there's lots better things to be said about pure, delicious WATER!

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I agree, water is the best fluid in the world.


Think about what coke can do. Find a fairly new oil stain in your driveway and pour on some coke. Leave it on for awhile and then scrub. Rinse off. Your driveway will be improved.

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Soda isn't deadly, but if you soak a pack of cigarettes in coffee and then squeeze the juice out, add a little more coffee and sugar for flavor and feed it to someone... say your ex husband... it can stop the heart.


Oh, wait... my lawyer advised me not to tell that one... oops

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Well any fizzy drink drank in excess will give you hyperacidity...which can turn into gastritis and later ulcers if untreated.


Oh yeah, it also can give you flatulence LOL


I've heard some horror stories about coca-cola...a doctor once told me about a case where someone had an intestinal blockage they were operating and couldn't disolve it...until they tried cola, which worked rofl.


Also on Mythbusters they did some tests with it...like put a tooth in it for 24 hours, it was brown and gross afterwards...eek

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Drinking soda leads to the decalcification of teeth. It's a slow process, but it does happen.


As other people have stated, diabetes, obesity, etc.. are also contributed to by soda consumption.


The best thing to do is to keep it away from you. If it's not around you, you won't drink it. Bring water with you to work, drink it constantly so you're never thirsty enough to want to buy soda.

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Drinking soda is like drinking pure sugar in liquid form. So no, it won't kill you. But it can pack on the pounds. I lost 10 lbs. when I started drinking water. True story.

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burning 4 revenge

I drink soda and coffee and beer everyday and my body is a piece of sh*t, but I think it's more from the cigarettes and bad genes, so no, soda is good.

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Drinking soda is like drinking pure sugar in liquid form. So no, it won't kill you. But it can pack on the pounds. I lost 10 lbs. when I started drinking water. True story.


Switching from non-diet to diet pop has helped me lose weight. Well that and cutting back on the fast food.:o


Love the avatar BO. I just may have to watch that later.

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My dentist told me most people "sip" on soda for a long time. Because it is so high in sugar, you have a constant sugar source washing over your teeth every time you take 30 min. to sip a cad of soda. That causes tooth decay.


Also like someone already said it can cause calcium leaching, and that can promoto osteoporosis.


Soda is bad for you!! I quit drinking it too.. and I quit drinking beer after I thought of it as liquid bread :(

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Soda depletes calcium levels in your body. Hence, osteoperosis, which is deterioration of bones. My mother has drank soda daily her entire life, she's only 55 but her osteoperosis is = to that of a much older woman. She's also never really exercised, nor does she like milk, so those big contributing factors; but the soda has made it that much worse. Do you want to be breaking ribs when you are only 55, much less any age? She's already broken ribs and anytime she slips and falls I just freak out. I myself, just have a soda maybe once/week if that. I drink tons of milk and exercise 3-4 X/week. I'm no dr. but I am a nurse...and I know soda's really pretty bad for you, it eats away at your stomach from what I hear, but don't know the details about that..

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I stopped drinking soda when they switched from using cane sugar to corn syrup or aspertine in the diet version both of which are poisonous when had in excess. It leads to weight gain, diabetes, loss of calcium in bone/teeth (from the carbonation) which leads to tooth decay (excellerated by the sugar in the beverage) and osteoprosis, and wearing of the stomach lining. I'll have a sip now and then, but I can't imagine having a full glass worth, much less on a daily basis!

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Fun2BMe, does it affect you in a negative way if you drink say one big 2-2.5 liters bottle like once/month on average? Hell I used to drink that every day for a few years...was all I drank lol glad that's over

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CardPlay3r, I think in one sitting a litre wouldn't be too good for you, but if it's spaced out over a month it shouldn't be a big deal. In moderartion, almost anything is ok. But if you're having a can of soda every day, I'd rank that along the lines of smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. I don't smoke, but I'd imagine 1 or 2 a day has a miniscule affect and would be unlikely to result in the cause of death.


Just like a glass of wine is ok (can be argued even to be healthy) but if someone is having a bottle/day, it is obviously bad. And the list goes down for just about every "bad" item. In moderation, it can even be considered beneficial because the joy we get out of it compared to the tiny harm that won't lead to anything major would make it worth having. At least that's my philosophy!

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