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I have been seeing this girl for a short while and well it has been good till this last week she was talking about gas stations but just told me that she likes Poineer, Beaver ( I know she was talking about a gas station but with the way she thinks and I do too. ) :rolleyes: I made a joke about her liking beavers as in women but knowing it wasn't than we joked a little and went on our way later that night a few more jokes made that was it. In the week I have made a few jokes but that was it. I am not sure if it is that joke or she is on her period but all week she has been very bitchy and rude. What should I do or read into. How do you tell when she is on her period or if she is pissed off and if she is p.o.ed with me how do I make it up. I have said sorry but what else can I do????? :confused:

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You may not get a straight answer, but you have to ask. If you are friends with someone and you have been nice to them....and suddenly they start treating you without consideration or being mean to you, ask them what's going on.


If you don't like the answer, sever the relationship. Once you let people start being mean to you, they will continue. Some people just enjoy beating down on somebody and they will do that to somebody like you who will take it.


Never, ever tolerate this kind of behavior unless you have done something to deserve it. If she tells you it's because of your tasteless joking, tone down the jokes. If she tells you it's got nothing to do with you, tell her she's wrong....that she has been mean to you. If she can't explain why, move on and see her no more.


I've been in these kinds of situations and unless you do something about them, they continue and get worse. PMS is a BS excuse for treating somebody mean.

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PMS is a BS excuse for treating somebody mean


You said it Tony!

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Ok you are males and you don't know what chemical changes a woman goes through. You can't tell me that if YOU bled for 5-7 days straight, you'd be happy about it!! And don't ask her if its PMS, that would just make her madder! LOL

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YOU WRITE: "And don't ask her if its PMS, that would just make her madder! LOL"


I know you were joking but you made a good point. Yes, many women can get a little crabby before and during their period but unless a man has been keeping tabs on her with a calendar he has no idea that's the reason.


If a women is mean to me four to seven days a month, unless there are extremely compelling reasons why I should stay in her company (like she is going to give me a kidney I need), I'm just not going to subject myself to that treatment.


There are too many therapies and treatment regimens to handle PMS and its difficulties for any female to be this way consistently, month in and month out.


I do know that different women go through various dramatic chemical changes during this time of month. Some have even murdered people during this time and used PMS as a defense during their trial. These ladies should seek the treatment they need to deal more effectively with what I know is a difficult period....I mean, uh, time of month.


If you think PMS is difficult, try being around a woman going through a difficult stage of menopause.

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Originally posted by Tony

YOU WRITE: If you think PMS is difficult, try being around a woman going through a difficult stage of menopause.


OR try being a guy putting up with a hormonal woman. LOL I totally agree Tony. That's why I could never be of an "alternative lifestyle" BC my PMS is ENOUGH to deal with.


Here's an idea, get some Midol and lay it on the counter for her to accidently find. She might get mad at first, but if she's like me, she'll probably just laugh and take it!

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Studies also show when testosterone levels in men fluxuate during the month it creates the same type of "mood" changes.


But yeh, these mood changes do happen. I do think that if women didn't always have an excuse for them, they would not be as bad. ex. If no one told a girl that she is supposed to be mean during that time, she would not blame it on that. The same thing goes for testosterone levels in men fluxuating.


No big deal... you are in a bad mood for a few days, some more than others. It happens to everyone, not just women.


If anyone tries to say one sex has it worse than another...then they have no idea what they are talking about. We all have our own problems. I've heard it all already about this topic, and I have set the story straight with many before.






Here's another interesting take...


My changes are so drastic that I get migranes that cause me to go blind for about 2 seconds at a time. The pain is so immense that I can no longer walk, talk, or even think. This happens whenever I know I'm in one of those moods. Last time I fell into a freaking wall.



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Hey, Bill:


Sounds like we can be thankful you're not female!!!


Sorry about those headaches...and, as far as falling into walls, keep your insurance premiums up to date.

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Well, seems tonight I only sprained both ankles. I skated today for about 5 hours, on many streets from town to town. I also ran across a few fields of grass with my skates on. I ran through sand with my skates on.


I actually didn't know it was a migrane till I checked it out 2 days ago. I just had a very very bad headache and I went sort of blind from it. My vision kinda greyed out and came back 2 seconds later.


I have sprained my ankles so many times, I just am used to the feeling. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I can't walk now. I'm just now feeling the pain, after I got out of those skates.

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I agree that PMS is not a good excuse. I guess everyone is different but there is always a reason for my anger or sadness. I do not just go off soley because I have PMS.


If you sensed her discomfort the first time you joked with her, then you shouldn't have repeated it. Maybe she is just annoyed at being the continual butt of your jokes. Ask her why she is angry with you. Tell her you don't understand and would like her to explain.

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