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meet his friends?

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I was wondering if men had some cut and dry rule about introducing women to their friends.?? after 2 months, 3 months, etc?? only if the planets are aligned and pigs are flying?? ha ha


Does introducing a women to your friends indicate that things are getting serious and there's a definite committment??


I've been dating this guy for 2 months now, and things are great, I just haven't met any of his friends yet.


He's met most of my friends, and this weekend even hung out with me and my sister and my sister's girlfriend all day, just bumming around snacking and watching movies. (We were impressed since this was the first time he'd met my sister!)


He does live about 45 minutes away in a rural area, and his friends are all spread around the region, while mine are all really close and he usually comes to see me.


I don't want to bring it up, I'd rather just wait and see what happens, but I'm getting a little puzzled.


Any thoughts?

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There is no cut and dry rule that men have regarding introducing ladies to their friends. It's pretty much different for each person.


Often, the introductions are made as necessary when plans call for the inclusion of certain friends. You may also meet a guy's friends at group activities such as parties, cook-outs, etc. Some men are very eager to have their gal meet their friends so they can once again be included in group activities with his lady by his side.


This is not something you should really be concerned about at this point. However, if you marry him...once you've had three or more children and he hasn't introduced you to any of his friends, that might be a danger signal.

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Instead of letting this bother you for the next several weeks or months just come out and ask him about his friends. Ask him what kind of things their into and would they like you? Just find out what you can about them what they do together. Give him time to introduce you to them but don't make yourself out like your pressuring him.


Its different for every individual. For example: This guy may not want you to be buddy buddy with his friends because when he gets together with the boys, than its "boys night out".


Or he could introduce you to them, tell you how much they like you and think your cool even though they know he has a g/f already and you just don't know about it.


Perhaps he will invite you out with them and tell you he loves you in front of them all.


I have seen all three situations that I listed above for you. The third one being the most recent. So you never really know why until you ask.

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I wouldn't be too worried yet. Maybe his friends will embarass him with wild stories of the past, and he wants to get more comfortable...guys are weird like that. Have you met his family?

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Just a quick update on this "meeting his friends thread".


The guy I'm dating took me to a party this weekend and I met practically all his highschool friends, not college, but highschool! Apparently they're all still aroud and keep in touch, 11 years later.


Anyway. things went well, and I had fun.


I'm glad I didn't mention it to him, and he just invited me on his own. I think it's a step in the right direction. Thanks for the feedback.

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