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Stick it out, or break up?

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I have been with my boyfriend for about 2 years. We moved in together to another city about 4 montes into dating. We have a good relationship, we are alot alike, enjoy the same things, we alot in common, and we do argue quit a bit too. We have had our fair share of problems. The thing is , is that about 6 months ago I found out my mom has cancer. I have been contemplating moving back for sometime now, and need to make a decision!

My boyfriend won't move back to where we came from, and wont consider waiting for me. I just dont know what to do?

I know the right thing would be to move back and take care of my mom, but how do I break it to my boyfriend>???

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You only have one mother and she won't be around forever. Men will.


If this guy isn't understanding and compassionate enough to make some sort of arrangement with you so you can be with your mother during her time of need, he is a selfish bastard and you don't need to have anything further to do with him.


How do you tell him? You tell him by packing your things and going to take care of your mother...who took very good care of you for so many years.


Relationships are about being loving and supportive. This issue has taught you just how selfish and immature this guy is. You don't need him. But your mother needs you. Get to her as quickly as you can.


P.S. You don't owe it to your mother to be by her side constantly for years. Don't change your life drastically for her until that is required. Meanwhile, get away from this guy and find a job reasonably near your mom. Then be at her bedside when she is not able to take care of herself.

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Hi Mimi,


Cancer can be such a dreadful disease. There are many different kinds of cancer. Some are more aggressive and deadly than others. Some are more responsive to treatment than others. The same goes for the individual afflicted with cancer. Some people, for some reason, are better able to fight it off and handle the side effects of treatment than others. There are so many variables. I hope the right combination comes together for your Mom, enabling her to live, in remission, for many years to come.


I don't know if you need to move back home or back to your hometown or not. That decision is strictly up to you. Above all else, do what you think is right for you and your Mom. If you have not already done so, you definitely need to go see her. Talk to her and talk to her doctors (if she is not opposed) about her illness, treatment and plan of care.


By the way, do you have any brothers, sisters, aunts or uncles that can and will help? If you do, it could make a tremendous difference. Regardless of whether there are other people to step in or help out, do what you can to see that she gets the best care possible.


From what you have described, your boyfriend is not being very supportive. If he doesn't want to move back, that's fine, he doesn't have to, but to tell you he's not going to wait around for you is low down and despicable. He deserves to be left just for saying something like that.


See to it that your Mom is taken care of properly. Don't let anybody or anything get in the way. You don't have to live with this man for the rest of your life, but you do have to live with yourself. Just do what you think is right and don't look back.


Good luck to you and I hope your Mom will recover from this soon.

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I'd walk! Who cares how he feels. Hes thinking about himself and how to satisfy his "thing" if you were'nt there.


An obvious sign of an A-Hole. I think mom is first right now and he doesn't see that because he cant get his head out of his butt.

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