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Today is the day

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Today in about 3 and a half hours I'm supposed to meet the girl that I met online. From my previous posts... I did talk to her on the phone. Everything seems great so far. I will never know to a full extent of where this is going until I meet her.


I am supposed to pick her up at her school. I show up, and she should be wearing what she said and sitting on the steps of the school! After I pick her up, we are going to goto her house for a little while. Next, I had planned that we go out to dinner together, at a nice restaurant. I'm a bit nervous, but that is to be expected.


I've picked out nice cloths and all (no jeans). I shaved so I don't have any shadows.. and I used the real razor this time, no electric! I'm going to go out and clean my car again, as I had it cleaned but and friend and I played hockey, so now it is dirty again. After I clean the inside of it, I'm going to take it down to the car wash.


I hope that everything will turn out perfect on this first date.

If you have any advice, let me know!

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just remember to stay calm ... she's going to be just as nervous meeting you, so if you appear to be at ease, she's going to follow suit. You'll be fine.

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You seem to be well prepared. Don't be so concerned about having everything turn out picture perfect....that often makes things worse Just relax, have a good time and be yourself.


Good luck to you! Let us know how things go.

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Well, I'm ready. The car is clean and full of fuel. I made a cd with the bands she said she liked. (I have an mp3 player in my car). I leave in 40 minutes, just to make sure I get there at 2pm EST.

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The date went great! When I saw her, she didn't look the the picture she went me (a small picture, couldn't see anything). She was beautiful! She kept saying how cool my car was and all. She is a very cool person, even sufferes from the same ailment (TMJ problems). She didn't want to go out anywhere far. So we ordered Chinese food. We talked for a long time, just sitting there looking at each other. I was quite nervous... the girl was beautiful.


She was glad that I started to talk a lot more after a few hours. We went to the mall. She hugged me a few times throughout the date. It was a great night!

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So happy to hear you had a great time. I didn't doubt you for a minute.


I hope this experience gave you the confidence to go on your next date without becomming a total nervous wreck!

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I'm happy to hear that things went well for you Bill.


You should take good care of that nice car you have. If you would quit playing hockey in it you might not have to wash it so often :D .

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Ahhh, Bill, after reading how your date went, I feel kind of romantic. Most of what I hear (or read) about how people meet or go first dates have to do with how fast they got to third base. Which is fine if that's what you want, but your meeting with your lady-friend sounds just so sweet, and I'm especially happy that you had a good time doing something as simple as walking around the mall. I think THAT'S how it's supposed to be when you first get to know someone!


thanks for making an old quank feel good about things...

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Im glad it went well. Sounds like she was glad too that you started to talk more. I have been on dates where my date would not do much talking. Thats when I really start to ramble on!


Next time you will feel more relaxed. Just remember what I said, just treat the situation calm, cool, like you have been out with this girl twenty times already and be yourself.

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