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Pain during sex


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I've been going out with my girlfriend for 17 months. Many months ago we used to have wonderul sex, then she went away for an entire summer. Now almost a year later and we've never regained our old sex life back. She says that it constantly burns. So we saw a gyno a couple times and discovered shes infected with nothing, so the gyno suggested pulling out and seeing if perhaps shes allergic to sperm(sounds weird huh). Well we did this and discovered it had nothing to do with that. So then we decided to use lubricants since she dries up easy and these helped for a little bit. Now today we were starting to do something and i was going really slow since it was hurting her. Naturally i stopped after a while of constant pain(even though she said not to) because i didnt want to hurt her anymore. Then she looked at me and said "I'm going to be honest. I know why it hurts. Because you've gotten bigger". (give or take a few words). Now this is a shock to me because i am by no means big, in fact i'm less than 6 inches. So i asked how and she said i didnt get longer but wider and it supposedly tears her open and it makes her bleed. Now i know i cant make myself any smaller or anything but is there anything i could possibly do? I dont want to never have sex again or anything like that. There has got to be something to do to make my sex life normal again. Any suggestions? It just seems weird, i've never heard of somebody being too wide for a girl. And no i'm not abnormally large, i assure you that.

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1 - i think she should see another gyno

2- i knew a girl who had to have a surgery because she was too tight... just so you know it's possible.


also, you say she dries up..... as far as i know, a girl doesn't dry up until she comes when she's aroused... could it be that she has some psychological issues?...


i'm sure you'll get more replies from more experienced gals here =)


good luck!

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I agree with yes. Get a second opinion. I think she should make an appointment with a different gynocologist and see what he/she says.

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Do her one more favor, and have a doctor examine her. She should explain herself in as much detail about the pain, so nothing goes overlooked.


If the case still stands and nothing is wrong. Than you need to use a lubriacant. You can buy KY jelly at your local grocery store.


If your wondering if your too big for her the answer more than likely is no. Lubricant should do the trick, but she also needs to be fully relaxed. Also, extra foreplay should help keep from being too dry.

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Maybe she is not getting aroused enough. How much time do you average on foreplay? Does she tell you what she likes/dislikes? Maybe you need to adjust your technique. She has probably come to expect pain now, so maybe there are some psychological factors at play. Take it slow, be receptive to her likes/dislikes, make sure she is really aroused and use lubricant. If you still have the same problems, then I second the see a new doctor opinion.

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