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relationship vs freedom


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Hi friends,


I've been in a relationship with this guy for over a year. I find it difficult to understand why he always restricts me from going anywhere I like by myself when he does'nt want to go with me. He forces me never to visit any friends or relatives. He hates to travel, never is interested to try anything fun to do, except have sex. He is also so devoted, I forget his meaness. And he never admits I'm ever good at anything except being "steel-hearted"! although he almosts always chants something flattering about my looks. I can't get to understand , but what is in his mind. And is he ruinous to me or am I the one who is ruinous to him?

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I find it difficult to understand why you would allow your guy to always restrict you from going places you want to by yourself.


If you can't take charge of your life, how are we supposed to advise you?


Nobody can be ruinous to you. You can only screw up your own life by the decisions you make.


You are in a relationship, if you want to call it that, with a very controlling individual and it's bound to go south soon. Why not let it go now? Do you really think he will change? I don't think so.


Despite the fact that he is devoted, you site more reasons to get away than to stay. You can find many men who will be very devoted to you who won't try to control or restrict your actions and who will want to travel and do other fun things with you.

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