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Confused need help

confused jjp

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Ok my present gf has a few problem she has been pregnant before, was disowned by her mother , she cutts school alot and is bisexual.


My mother hates her and so does my father. She saiys my girl comes between us and my grl eats it up when we fight.


my friends dislike her also they all say i can do better and she is no good for me. I really love this Girl and she loves me i think. My mother wont let her over the house and she fights with me constantly. My gf can only beep me not call and i can call her back. My mother does not condone this. At the moment my gf isnt allowed out of her house also or to use the phone because of cutting school. I dont want to break up with her it will hurt me to much. WHAT DO I DO?


Please help me A S A P





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