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World of Warcraft....Random post!

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I just thought I wanted to vent this out.


I used to be a World of Warcraft(Online game) addict. Playing for hours every day and night. It used to be a buffer for my hurt after I broke up with my ex about a year ago. It worked, worked for 4 months until I didn't get satisfaction from the game. I was doing NC without knowing it because time was just flying by.


She asked me many times to stay with her and hang out, but I was so addicted to the game that I didn't want to do that. Bc of that although we broke up, I believed I had a lot of chances to be with her. I know it would of made more of a bond and changed a lot of things. I blame myself for this addiction to the game. I believe I had the chance to get back with her. But I wasn't showing that I cared about her. Perhaps the reason we broke up was that I wasn't showing her how much she meant to me. I know the time spending with her wasn't there.


I blame myself so much for this. But I also learned so much after the break up. THe hurt, losing love, empathy, new friends, and etc.


I noticed afterwhile my ex stopped calling me since I didn't call her. Then I finally came to a realization that I missed her, that I love her. So I called her back, this time she sounded different. She has moved on, perhaps bc I wasn't showing that I cared about her after we broke up. Maybe her breaking up with me was a test, a test to see if I cared about her.


Ever since I realized how much I lost, that four months after the breakup. i saw the game as really evil, part of the destruction to my relationship and part of my weakness to that addiction. I really blame myself for not knowing that I could of made some changes. I am so sad right now. I stopped playing this game ever since, until tonight. I noticed that i was going to lose my face from this world again, losing people in real life instead of gaining virtual friends online. For example, I spoke only a few mins with my buddy on the phone, ussually we can talk for an hour cause I told him that I have to go play. Then a girl messaged me to talk on aim and this girl is really funny and entertaining, I talk to her everynight for the past week.


This game consumes too much time and I know it'll effect me. i should stay away as much as possible since I am an addict.


Those who play this game know what I am talking about.

Sorry for this long story, just a random vent.


Anyone have similar experience or know someone who is affected by this game??

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I too was addicted to an online game. My game was Asheron's Call. I used to play for hours at a time. I was lucky in that my bf was also a big AC player. We would play together even though he was a much higher level than me. When we broke up, we both stopped playing the game. It reminded us of each other.


I then migrated to WoW. I never made friendships in WoW that I made on AC. I was able to easily stop playing Wow. Now I'm only addicted to pogo.


I'm thinking Wow somehow satisfies your need for companionship and made it where you ignored your gf. Women need attention, we CRAVE it from our men. When you let the game take all your energies, you gave your gf the message that you weren't interested in HER. Now that you've realized you want her, you might want to talk to a professional about your gaming addiction. It IS an addiction. You may have lost your gf but you do need to handle this addiction and get out there and meet other women.


Good luck.

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I agree with you. I had a chance and that chance fell through. Yeah

game addiction is a serious thing. i noticed that it affected my life. I know a few other people who have also fallen victim to that game as in they putting their whole lives in it; thus spending hours and hours every night. i know it took me and there is no way of turning back. Can I blame myself when its in the past for messing up, yes, sometimes memories stay with us and its hard to forgive myself. Atleast I learned what is benifitial and what isn't. Thank for listening and understanding.

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Well now you will become addicted to LS.......... mawhawhahawha.........


I am when in the office. :D

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WoW is a serious addiction.. I still sometime struggle not to play this damn game. I also found comfort in playing this game after my wife left me. Took my mind completly off everything.. I mean everything! I finally woke up and realized.. wtf am I doing here.. waisting my time playing a GAME!! Sure I've made some friends online and chit-chatted on VENT (voice over ip chat).. and had some RL friends on there.. but it's NOT the same as RL.

So now I still do play.. but it's WAY more moderated and controlled. What helped me was leaving the GUILD I was part of and leading somewhat.

And I now make an effort to go out more or do completly different things like I used too.

I wish I could convince some of my RL friends to get off this game and get a RL. But it seems like games like this are ppl's RL. (very sad)

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I agree with you JohnnyG, wow is an addiction. I bet you are glad you got out of a guild. I haven't played for half a year and came back on because I wanted to help my cousin, who is not a game addict, to help him power level.


I still have two RL friends stuck on this. I don't want to put myself back on the same track again. Coming back really made me realize wtf was I doing. Like you I snapped one day and said what am I doing to my life. That was the turning point when I found out that I really missed my ex.


I am glad you are doing better JohnnyG, wish me luck to as I am back on, this time will be more controlled because each min spent I know I am losing a precious moment in RL.


Thanks for understanding JohnnyG.

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...good luck, being that The Burning Crusade is only 6 weeks away.


Your best bet is to uninstall and toss the game cd's in the trash. Worked for me, and I was one of those players who had 90% of my tier two gear

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Thanks Blackfrost,


Looks like you worked hard for you gears. Yeah this will stop soon, I should throw away the second copy I just bought yesterday. Damn such a fool of me, but it made me realize my personality, this second time coming back I understand what it did. Thanks!\




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Thanks Blackfrost,


Looks like you worked hard for you gears. Yeah this will stop soon, I should throw away the second copy I just bought yesterday. Damn such a fool of me, but it made me realize my personality, this second time coming back I understand what it did. Thanks!




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Anyone have similar experience or know someone who is affected by this game??


Well, my son is addicted to that (he is a level 60 priest). I think that's why the gf dumped him. He'd see her once or twice a month. He said the game came first.


Hey, did you see the South Park episode on Wednesday featuring Wow?


I did with him, it made me laugh. Mom, bathroom! (I'm kind of like that, I feed him in the mouth because his hand are busy, and cheer him up for the fishing competition on Sunday... Goooo speckled fish... go speckled..)



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I play this game with my boyfriend almost everynight. I do not think it effects our relationship or our rl in a negative way. We still manage to go out to movies,dinner,work fulltime (well I work part time and go to school part time), We still both have hobbies outside of the game that we enjoy. I still go the gym everyday and manage to still make A's and B's in my classes. The game itself is not evil, it is actually very fun. Now if you allow the game to take over your whole life where you do NOTHING (like in south park) but play then yeah it is a problem.

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I agree with you Ariadne and Rainfall. I think one of the reason why I might of didn't get the second chance was that I did take the game a little too seriously. I was follow what you guys saw on South Park. I am glad you can control your behavior Rainfall, good job. Have a fun and safe weekend everyone!!!

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OMG!!!! please help me guys! Please read my post! :( This game is killing my relationship - sure its long distance, but his addiction to the game its making it worse. And he just wont see it! I try and confront him, even help him, even played it! Yet hes becoming more resentful towards me. But says he loves me and not to base his love on his actions?


He told me to leave him alone [so he could play in peace basically] recently...is there still hope? I love him and dont want to give up on him! But I need something back. Im supposed to be visiting him in under a month. I dont know how much I can take though. How can I make him see??


Heres the full story...



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Like any addiction, it's up to the user to decide when he/she is going to stop. You can go blue in the face trying to stop them, but until he/she decides to cut it out - there's not much you can do.


BTW i read your post doormat - sounds like that Florida guy is much more interested in you doing all the work. If he can't get it together to come see you, then that should really tell you something about the viability of being in a relationship with him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I swear I wasted a year of my life playing WOW. I had never played a online game like that before and I spent hours a day playing it - 14+ sometimes. I got my main character up to 60 and then I finally was able to look at what I had been missing. My bf at the time, introduced met to the game, and we used to play together. Doormat, I would drop the guy in FL - he sounds like a loser (sorry) - no job, no motivation - a good word is parasite. He's just living off other people - you included. He's able to throw you a few crumbs and expects you to be happy with them. Do you want crumbs or do you want the entire, full fat, buttercreme fancy smancy pie? I watched the South Park episode and it's so true.

Wow is a great (bad though) escape - it's so much more fun than real life - easier at least.

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