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He hasn't called for two days


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I don't know if my boyfriend and I are in a contest of WHO HAS THE MOST RESISTANCE or not, or WHO WILL BE THE FIRST TO GIVE IN kind's thing because he hasn't called me for two days!


We didn't get into any fights or arguements so there is no logical reason for this behavior and in the past we talked every day before going to sleep. Lately it has been me doing most of the calling so this time I thought I'd not call just to see how long it will be before he calls me.


I am not happy with this situation and at the same time I dont' want to start an arguement with him because he hates arguing, but this is really making me mad! How should I handle this?

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Getting into a silly game is just, well, silly. Obviously you don't want to do that. Rather than try to read into the situation (e.g. "is he falling out of love?" "is he trying to send me a message?"), why not simply express your misgivings about the situation itself. Keep it straightforward, something like, "Ifeel like I'm always calling you while you rarely call me, is that something you've noticed?" Keep it light and non-accusatory. My guess is that his response would be, "huh?" and that it's not something that has occurred to him. You could follow up with something like, "If I'm always the one to call I start to feel like I'm pestering you and that makes me feel bad. It would be great if you could call me sometimes, when you think of it, rather than just waiting for me to call you."


He might take your suggestion. He might not. But at least you will have brought the situation to his attention and made your wishes known. If he chooses to not accommodate you, well, you'll have to decide if this is a deal breaker. If he doesn't call people generally unless he has a specific reason, you're basically asking him to change the way he socializes. Which is OK for you to ask but it's also OK for him to reject. If on the other hand he regularly phones up other people, just not you, then I'd probably conclude that he's playing some kind of silly game

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First of all two days is not long try a month. Thats me.


And yes he has tried calling me juuuust recently. I didnt answer the phone. I thought I would let him sweat. I hope he is. Dont let a man bring you down. Just get even.


I don't know if my boyfriend and I are in a contest of WHO HAS THE MOST RESISTANCE or not, or WHO WILL BE THE FIRST TO GIVE IN kind's thing because he hasn't called me for two days! We didn't get into any fights or arguements so there is no logical reason for this behavior and in the past we talked every day before going to sleep. Lately it has been me doing most of the calling so this time I thought I'd not call just to see how long it will be before he calls me. I am not happy with this situation and at the same time I dont' want to start an arguement with him because he hates arguing, but this is really making me mad! How should I handle this?
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