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Am I a problem drinker?

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Milvushina, you sound exactly like I used to be until a month ago. I quit once for all (after drinking for 15 years) and feel great now. It doesn't matter how you will call yourself, but you have a problem you need to take care of. If you can't stop at two drinks, two times a week then stop completely.


It's a dangerous illusion people are spreading that alcoholics are the ones who roll on the floor shaking and puking and everyone else is an angel. Everyone who drinks often and a lot, especially people who get drunk very often have a problem with alcohol.


If you don't stop now it will get worse and worse with time.

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Milvushina, you need to confront your fears, find out what it is that is making you have panic attacks and making you feel anxious. Throwing booze into that mix is just adding another problem, which will make it worse down the road.


You say you can't afford therapy, so buy books about anxiety. The Feeling Good Book, by Dr.David Burns, Been there, Done that, Try This! By Sam Obitz. Those books will teach you about cognitive behaviour therapy, which is the best kind of therapy to fight anxiety and mild depression. (situational depression anyway.)

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The fact that you started this thread is all you need to know that 1] you drink and 2] it is starting to worry you. Whether you can be technically labeled 'alcoholic' or not is not the point.


It is clear you have concerns about it, and that is the point. You have begun to be concerned about your drinking. If you begin to be uncomfortable about anything you do, then it's a good sign you need to change something. If something starts to worry you, then you need to get yourself to a point where you aren't worried anymore. No one else's opinion matters except for yours. You need to listen to yourself.


Your feelings are there for a purpose! They are letting you know that the level of your drinking is becoming stressful and uncomfortable for you! Pay attention to your feelings. They are there to guide you.

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