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Phone calls


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dismissing the general-no contact with ex if u still have feelings-rule


i sent my x whom i still had prof. contact with an email ...


i made a point of saying it was not an attempt to be his buddy via email...telling him i would no longer be around to work with him and his organization. I said he's done a good job at handling the org...suggested if any 'external' help is needed in the future-he knows where to find me anyway.


he wrote back and said he is sure he would see me, if not he would make a point of finding me, and to remember that i have his phone number around somewhere.


i don't think i will call him...but i want some opinions here...


do u feel he's giving me the been-everywhere 'let's keep in touch'?

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If I only understood your post, or what information you were looking for, I would answer this. I guess I'm just having a bad-brain day.


I see no evidence in your post that there is a great desire on your ex's part to contact you and it seems he will respect your wish for space and time.

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You are probably not having a bad-brain day, Tony. From what I've read those happen rarely to you.


I'm just temporarily losing mine

If I only understood your post, or what information you were looking for, I would answer this. I guess I'm just having a bad-brain day. I see no evidence in your post that there is a great desire on your ex's part to contact you and it seems he will respect your wish for space and time.
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