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the other woman


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break up sounds reasonable, no?

I think my boyfriend is in love with another woman. I'm not talking about sex or cheating. I think he loves her. What do I do?
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Move on!!!!!!! Save yourself the grief while you still can, UNLESS you are jumping the gun and dont know for sure. Ask yourself these questions, what gives you the idea that there even is another woman? What does he say about her? Have you confronted him? I may not be the best suited to give advice right now considering my own dilemma, but coming from someone who has dealt recently with a break up because of another woman, I can only tell you that it is the worst type of pain you can feel. Saave yourself the anguish if you can. Hope I helped!



I think my boyfriend is in love with another woman. I'm not talking about sex or cheating. I think he loves her. What do I do?
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what your problem is right now is trust in the relationship...whether your suspicions are valid or not.


Don't bother with the incriminatory remarks.


You'll get hurt if you sit there and watch if he is falling out of love with you or in love with this other woman...so don't!


Talk to him about how you're losing trust in his fidelity to your relationship.


Get answers from him about what you should do next...figure out where you go after you two talk.


If he's unsure of whether he wants to stay or go, let him figure out the hard lonely way whether he's still in love with you or if loves HER.




Move on!!!!!!! Save yourself the grief while you still can, UNLESS you are jumping the gun and dont know for sure. Ask yourself these questions, what gives you the idea that there even is another woman? What does he say about her? Have you confronted him? I may not be the best suited to give advice right now considering my own dilemma, but coming from someone who has dealt recently with a break up because of another woman, I can only tell you that it is the worst type of pain you can feel. Saave yourself the anguish if you can. Hope I helped! Raven
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You deserve a man who's in love with you. Why would you accept anything less?

I think my boyfriend is in love with another woman. I'm not talking about sex or cheating. I think he loves her. What do I do?
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