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How can I get over someone that I see everyday at work, we are good friends, talk all day.


I feel like i cant stop talking to him cause he will totally know something is wrong and i dont want to be mean or hurt him. He is a good guy but doesnt feel same way.


But hard to get over at the same time



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It doesn't sound like you are trying to get over this person because it doesn't seem like the two of you have dated extensively. What is seems to me is that you are wanting to know how to accept the fact that this guy doesn't want more than just a friendship with you.


If I've got it right, you just have to embrace reality. You have total control of your emotions and you have to find another romantic interest. In other words, open yourself up to seeing, dating and falling for others.


Chances are pretty fair that once he finds out you are dating someone else you are really interested in, he will come around and become romantically interested as well. (Sorry, too late mister!) That's kind of the way it works in DUH world, you know.


This love stuff is really weird.

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