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holiday fling or something more?


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I met an amazing american guy while he was out here on exchange to my university, and we had a great time together for 3 months - we were attracted to each other on an emotional AND physical level and that has never happened to me before. He had to leave a few weeks ago and I was devestated, but we write regular emails and call occasionally. I don't expect him to be monogomous, but do you think we can hold onto the 'long distance' thing for a year? I am travelling to America in December next year but so much can happen in 12 months; will he eventually forget our amazing physical chemistry, or is it possible to maintain a strong relationship when you are worlds away?

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If he finds someone else with whom he shares that amazing attraction and physical chemistry and to whom he makes a commitment before he sees you again, he may possibly forget this. It's a gamble you have to take.


You have the makings of a wonderful romance story but as a practical matter, it is extremely difficult to maintain a level of passion during physical absense, especially when there's not a very long history of being together.


It will depend on his emotional maturity and dedication to you. If he loves you enough, he will be faithful and eagerly awaiting you. If not, well....


This will be a big gamble for you. If it was me, I'd look for another such encounter with someone who's going to be around a while.

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