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okay...I finanlly did it! ( to Tony )


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Hi Tony! (and whoever else who wants to read this!) I know you answer a lot of posts here, so I'll remind you about my situation. I was the girl who was having a "casual" relationship with this guy and then decided that I just wanted to be friends. After I told him of this decision, he stopped calling...which really bummed me out. You told me that I should call him instead. Well, I was a little apprehensive about that. But last night, well... I finally got enough (liquid!) courage to call him. But now I think I just made things worse for myself. He wasn't home, so I just left him a message and I wish I could remember everything I said now. Something like "I think it sucks that we can't even be friends now". And at one point I think I said he was lame... or if he didn't want to be friends he was lame. Man, I think I'm the "lame" one now! I know now it was a stupid thing to do...calling him after I had been drinking like that. I know I did mention that fact too, that I was a little buzzed... so maybe he'll take that in consideration, or it could make me look even worse. I guess it felt good at first to get things off my chest like that, but now I wonder if I blew it for good. But if he couldn't be my friend, then he probably never really was...so I didn't lose anything, right? Anyways, thanks for listening! Gotta go nurse this hangover now.... :p

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It's never a good idea to leave any kind of message in a situation like yours. You should have waited until you called and HE answered the phone.


You may have screwed things up...but not to worry. If it was meant to be it will be. You are learning fast that every word you utter can come back to haunt you.


Forgive yourself and move on.

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You're right (as usual!) Hopefully he will call and we can REALLY talk, but if not...then well, it was never meant "to be"

It's never a good idea to leave any kind of message in a situation like yours. You should have waited until you called and HE answered the phone. You may have screwed things up...but not to worry. If it was meant to be it will be. You are learning fast that every word you utter can come back to haunt you. Forgive yourself and move on.
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