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How do I do an investigation of this guy without him knowing?


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How can I find out more secrets about my boyfriend without him knowing? If I don't act nosey he usually tells me more. When I'm at his place and he goes out next time how can I search his place for clues without him finding out? Should I have a camera and tape-recorder hidden?

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How can I find out more secrets about my boyfriend without him knowing?


One day, just casually ask him if he has ever been hypnotized or if he would be interested in being hypnotized. If he is open to the idea, check out some books from the library on how to hypnotize people, then, when he least expects it, hypnotize him and ask all the questions you want.


If I don't act nosey he usually tells me more.


Hey! Now there's an idea!


When I'm at his place and he goes out next time how can I search his place for clues without him finding out?


1. Check his garbage disposal. People leave all kinds of clues about themselves in their trash can. The people that really have something to hide always use their garbage disposal to shred it first. This is where you find the good stuff.


2. Check his dirty clothes hamper or basket. Specifically, check his used underwear to see if he wipes his butt good.


Important: Make sure to wash your hands after these two searches.


Should I have a camera and tape-recorder hidden?


Since you obviously don't care much about fostering trust in this relationship, this is a good idea. Without trust the relationship is destined to fail anyway and when he finds out you did this he'll probably never trust you again, if he hangs around that long. You also might want to visit your local jail and see if it is someplace you want to spend some time. I don't know if you live in the US, but in most US states it's against the law to tape record a person from within their home without their knowledge and permission.


All in all I would have to say you are well on your way to one of the worst relationships I've read about in a while.

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hi tammy,


2 things come to mind re your post:-


1. your boyfriend cannot be trusted


if your boyfriend has done things in the past that have eaten away at your trust for him, then what the hell are you doing with him???? having once been with a guy who i couldn't trust as far as i could throw him, i can tell you in all honesty that this relationship is DOOMED.


are you fully aware of how much it sucks not being able to trust your boyfriend? do you know how crazy it is to be with a guy and always wonder what he is doing...who he is with...what he'll do next to upset you...what he'll say next to upset you...what he won't do that will upset you...what he won't say that will upset you....


get my drift?? life is too short to waste on someone who gives you ulcers.


2. you are paranoid


in which case, i'm sure there are some really good psychologists who can help you, or maybe some effective medication they can prescribe you.


you have serious issues. sort them out because this relationship is on the road to nowhere. either dump your boyfriend or get some help. alternatively, if you are not willing to consider either of those options, you can always join the f.b.i. or the c.i.a. where i'm sure you will learn some marvellous spying techniques.


good luck....you will need it




How can I find out more secrets about my boyfriend without him knowing? If I don't act nosey he usually tells me more. When I'm at his place and he goes out next time how can I search his place for clues without him finding out? Should I have a camera and tape-recorder hidden?
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You can also rent a transponder on a satellite that will track and photograph him when he is outdoors. In addition, police cruisers can follow him with great discretion from time to time and will be happy to let you know when he is cheating and who he is cheating with.


Under the Freedom of Information Act, you can write the CIA, Department of Justice and the FBI and find out when he was a spy for the enemy and how much he made; you can find out how many times he was indicted and for what felony crimes; they will tell you how many people he has killed and for what purpose; I think if you pay $10 extra they will tell you how many women around the world to whom he is paying child support.


I hope this has been helpful.

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Are you insane? Why on earth are you even in a relationship with a man you trust so little? Why are you such a nosey rosie? Isn't the poor guy entitled to some secrets? If I were a guy and found out my crazy girlfriend had planted a camera and tape recorder in my home, I'd destroy them, I'd call the cops and get a lawyer and sue her ass, and then I'd look into how you go about having someone committed (her). Who the hell do you think you are, wanting to spy on him in his own home? Lady, you need help.


How can I find out more secrets about my boyfriend without him knowing? If I don't act nosey he usually tells me more. When I'm at his place and he goes out next time how can I search his place for clues without him finding out? Should I have a camera and tape-recorder hidden?
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Are you mad?


Nix the idea of putting a hidden camera or tape-recorder...that's just too creepy.


How can I find out more secrets about my boyfriend without him knowing? If I don't act nosey he usually tells me more. When I'm at his place and he goes out next time how can I search his place for clues without him finding out? Should I have a camera and tape-recorder hidden?
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