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Iiiiii just don't want to get sick


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is that wrong? i can't believe my daughter is actually MAD at me because i told her NOT to come over and do laundry whilst she is sick. she says "that is messed up mom, i'm glad my dad isn't like that".


so go to your dad's then and do your laundry i felt like telling her but i didn't. okay so i let her make me feel bad, she said "i'd never do that to my daughter". well good for her then i guess. i'm tired of trying to guilt trip me. my mom use to call ALL of us kids and tell us when she was sick so we didn't come over, i never thought anything but how thoughtful that was of her, why can't MY daughter? UGGGGH! just needed to really vent here, thanx

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You raised your daughter so you have to take some responsibility here.


It was absolutely not wrong for you to ask your daughter not to come over while she is sick. Where did she get this kind of lack of consideration and thoughtlessness.


It IS wrong for you to think your daughter can make you feel bad, guilty or whatever. You are responsible for selecting your feelings based on how you want to respond to whatever happens in your world.


You are the only person who can take yourself on a guilt trip.


Forget about it and just be sure your daughter's well before she comes over. Period!

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actually i DIDN'T raise her, her dad did. he took her away from me when she was 2 yrs old and i didn't see her again until she was 16, she is now 26 and acts like i owe her the world. but that's neither here nor there, but i agree with you and i did feel guilty like i was/am a bad mom and i was really rattled at the same time about her comments. of course it is EASIER said then done to say that no one else is responsible for my feelings especially when they cut deep from your own kids. well thank you, you did help me to feel better, err, did i LET you help me feel better? lol, either way i DO feel better and if I had raised this girl she would NOT be like she is at all!

You raised your daughter so you have to take some responsibility here. It was absolutely not wrong for you to ask your daughter not to come over while she is sick. Where did she get this kind of lack of consideration and thoughtlessness. It IS wrong for you to think your daughter can make you feel bad, guilty or whatever. You are responsible for selecting your feelings based on how you want to respond to whatever happens in your world. You are the only person who can take yourself on a guilt trip. Forget about it and just be sure your daughter's well before she comes over. Period!
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Yeap. Got me a daughter too. Sugar n' Spice...my AYAS!! Can be really difficult on two parents who are separated. They like to play you against each other. It's a skill they learn before they're out of diapers.


Next time, speak your thoughts outloud. You wouldn't allow *him* to walk all over you, so why should you allow her?


My sympothies...REALLY!


is that wrong? i can't believe my daughter is actually MAD at me because i told her NOT to come over and do laundry whilst she is sick. she says "that is messed up mom, i'm glad my dad isn't like that". so go to your dad's then and do your laundry i felt like telling her but i didn't. okay so i let her make me feel bad, she said "i'd never do that to my daughter". well good for her then i guess. i'm tired of trying to guilt trip me. my mom use to call ALL of us kids and tell us when she was sick so we didn't come over, i never thought anything but how thoughtful that was of her, why can't MY daughter? UGGGGH! just needed to really vent here, thanx
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