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Changed her mind about me because i dated someone???

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Thank you :)


I get it now. You are always right on Tanbark!


I don't know about always, but happy to help. :)

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Friendzone " We put you there because we dont see you in a romantic way. Period :)


What if a guy were not in the friendzone initially, but romanitc way first? As in kissed him, took naps, then put him back in friendzone. Can he still get out? :)

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Mary3 mentioned that she will ask herself "Can I imagine kissing this man?". That implies a lot about physical looks and not confidence. Moreover I don't know what 'confidence' a woman can possibly see in "just a few minutes". Everything we see : your confidence or lack of it will show right up front. You only have but a few minutes to make an impression. And thats a lasting impression. How did we remember you that nite when we first met ? Think hard about that one. Everything we see : your confidence or lack of it will show right up front. You only have but a few minutes to make an impression. And thats a lasting impression,. How did we remember you that night when we first met ? Think hard about this one


Sorry I am not trying to be negative but I am unable to understand this whole female logic of "I will decide whether you are going to be just a friend or boyfriend in a few minutes. And also once I cast you in the friendzone you can never come out of it". And I don't even understand why women complain about men going after them only for their looks when they are guilty of doing the same thing. [Friendzone is a nice way to put you in a category where you won't be getting laid by us anytime soon in this lifetime.And about looks : I think you can have a special something and not be handsome and still get laid alot if you have the * magic * touch. [/b]








Mary3 mentioned that she will ask herself "Can I imagine kissing this man?". If I cannot imagine your lips pressed softly against mine then you are forever going to be my buddy




Originally Posted by noclobber

Moreover I don't know what 'confidence' a woman can possibly see in "just a few minutes". We see far more than you know



Are you kidding? How about this:


Guy #1: Sees a girl he doesn't know in a bar. Stares at her in silence for 5 minutes. She catches him looking at her and he looks away. Finally, after being pushed by his friends, he waddles over to her and says, "Ummm.. sorry to bother you... but... ummm... would it be okay if I bought you a drink?"


Guy #2: Sees a girl he doesn't know in a bar. He smiles and doesn't look away. She smiles. He walks over calmly, maintaining eye contact, extends his hand, and says, "Hi, I'm Bob." Guy # 2 strikes brownie points for approaching us. Guy #1 just sits at the bar wishing he were Guy #2


Now, who do you think came off as more confident? Who do you think is more likely to get laid that night? #Guy 2


You can easily display confidence in under a minute. Most of it is in the eye contact, tone of voice, and body language. Absolutely Correcta~mundo !!!





What if a guy were not in the friendzone initially, but romanitc way first? As in kissed him, took naps, then put him back in friendzone. Can he still get out? This makes no sense unless she dumped you

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]This makes no sense unless she dumped you


Nope, I think :)


Sorta went romantic, friend bucket, came out for kissing & napping, back in bucket, napped and spent night, back in the bucket. Calls me by my pet name (Jerbear) when she called to say hi.


She is also older than me by about 10 years. We chatted, she wants space, I backed off 100%, she calls the next day asking for help (blew her off for 1 day then called back), then calls 30 days missing me (promises not to do xyz), she think a vaca to think, we chatted again.


Now her issue is nephews and tax season. Oh well... what can you do, just give up and move on. :):D

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its not that you arent the kind of guy i'd want to date. you are. you are sweet and awesome and fun and you make me laugh ALL the time. but i dont like you that way. i dunno why but i just only see you as a friend. (and that is not considered the "friends line")


we were talking online today, about sumthing about her giving guys the friends line. then it came on about us sumhow...i got this exact thing from her (copyed and pasted) so ya.....not lookin good

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its not that you arent the kind of guy i'd want to date. you are. you are sweet and awesome and fun and you make me laugh ALL the time. but i dont like you that way. i dunno why but i just only see you as a friend. (and that is not considered the "friends line")


we were talking online today, about sumthing about her giving guys the friends line. then it came on about us sumhow...i got this exact thing from her (copyed and pasted) so ya.....not lookin good


sorry about that Kyle but atleast the roller-coaster ride is over. now its very apparent that all the things that she did was out of jealousy and not b'cos she actually liked you.

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ok....i need more help....on St. patties day night i took megan and some other friends to a small party. idk how, but near the end of the night she admited that she does like me as more then a friend, but is afraid that if she dates me she will lose me as friend later. she says she dosnt hav many friends left and dosnt wanna risk losing me as one. so is this a load of bullsh*t or is there a way i can convince he i will still b her friend if we ever date and brake up? :(

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You can't possibly * promise * her that you will still talk to her if you both break up in the future.


You also need to MOVE FORWARD and date other girls now because you are not being treated the WAY you want to be treated.


It's so simple. Do you see it ?

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ok....i need more help....on St. patties day night i took megan and some other friends to a small party. idk how, but near the end of the night she admited that she does like me as more then a friend, but is afraid that if she dates me she will lose me as friend later. she says she dosnt hav many friends left and dosnt wanna risk losing me as one. so is this a load of bullsh*t or is there a way i can convince he i will still b her friend if we ever date and brake up? :(


What will she do if you say you can't be friends with her since you have feelings? The friendship is gone even in that case, isn't it?


I don't think I will ever understand the women logic of "we can't date b'cos we will ruin our friendship".

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quote : don't think I will ever understand the women logic of "we can't date b'cos we will ruin our friendship :


Thats another way of saying that she does not see you in a romantic way. She may profess feelings but she is not being romantic with you. We either want you in that way or we don't.


Wish people could just be more honest but instead they try to spare the feelings of the other.


I actually told a few men ( a few times now`gets better with practice :) )" I don't see a romantic connection with you " It may be brutal and hurt but its the TRUTH and most men want the truth and NOT games :)

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