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Was I in the wrong for how I responded in this business situation?

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I am trying to produce and direct a feature film and getting it off the ground.  One of the investors keeps holding meetings with me and other people involved and the last few meetings, which she arranged, she didn't go over anything productive at all.  She arranged the meetings and wanted to have them so I thought she would go over things that need to be addressed but the last few meetings, all she did was get really preachy and gave preachy speeches to everyone about how it's going to be a tough journey and how she is thankful to everyone one of us and she cried the last couple of times.


But I feel that the last few meetings didn't cover anything at all, and she just preached and cried pretty much.


So she wanted to have another meeting and I specifically asked her what she wanted to go over, and then she got defensive and kept asking what my problem was and obviously something has been bothering me the last couple of meetings and she could tell.  So I told her the truth about what was bothering me and told just politely as I could tell, that I felt that the last few meetings never really covered anything and all she did was preach and cry, and it's getting to the point where it's kind of a lot to deal with me now, because I and the others have all these other things to do for the project.


But then she got really defensive and told me fine if you don't want me I'm pulling out.  So now I am out a lot of money, but she kept asking what my problem was and so I felt maybe I should just politely as I could, tell her.


Was I out of line and deserved this?  I was willing to indulge the meetings since she was helping out, but all I did was ask her what more she wanted to go over specifically, since I had doubts that she might not have anything specific to do go over, since she didn't for the last few meetings.


But was that out of line and I should have just said yes to any meetings she wanted because she is the one investing in a lot of it?  Thank you very much for any advice on this.  I really appreciate it!

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9 minutes ago, ironpony said:

So she wanted to have another meeting and I specifically asked her what she wanted to go over, and then she got defensive and kept asking what my problem was and obviously something has been bothering me the last couple of meetings and she could tell.  So I told her the truth about what was bothering me and told just politely as I could tell, that I felt that the last few meetings never really covered anything and all she did was preach and cry, and it's getting to the point where it's kind of a lot to deal with me now, because I and the others have all these other things to do for the project.

Is having meetings one of her roles?   If so, what you needed to say was "I'm happy to have a meeting.  Please send out an agenda before it commences"

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I mean she is making some decisions in on and investing money into it so I thought she should have meetings if she wanted.  I was very thankful and wanted to extend her courtesy but the meetings kept weighing down on me since there is a lot to do, and I felt the meetings were slowing things down since they were not really about anything for the production plans.  But I guess I guess I could have worded it as sending out an agenda rather than just asking what she wanted to go over.  That is good to know for next time!

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