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How can you be friends with a married man?

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To be clear I’ve known him before he was married. He wants to be my friend but claims I’m not a good friend. My question is what does being friends with someone married look like? Are you supposed to ask about their spouse often? Should they call you a bad friend if you don’t? He says I need to ask questions of substance. What kind of questions would those be?

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I'm guessing you're talking about the guy here 

We were unanimous on our advice that you should cut him off.  Why haven't you done this yet?

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I don’t know, OP. I feel like you’re angry and nitpicking this. Or butt hurt because he doesn’t like you romantically. It doesn’t matter that you knew him before he met his wife or married her. He probably senses that you are disrespectful towards his marriage or maybe other aspects of his life and appear selfish. He is also beyond bizarre and weird for continuing to talk to you or be rude to you saying you need to ask questions of substance. Who even talks like that. 

The longer you keep fixating on this thing the more it won’t go away. Let it go and meet new people. 

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It's very strange to stay friends with someone who calls you a "bad friend".  Don't you have more self-respect than that?

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Somebody's marital status has nothing to do with friendship.  Friendship is based on mutual interests & compatibility. You talk about fun things that are above board.  Sometimes the spouse is mentioned but you & your married friend never do anything that you wouldn't do in front of the spouse.  

Since he's a accusing you of being a bad friend, suggest to him that you end contact altogether.  

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He wants you to ask questions of substance?  I'll assume it's the same married internet pervert that you spoke of in your earlier post, so maybe ask him what the square root of Philandering Creep is :) 

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On 4/12/2024 at 3:28 AM, Tee11 said:

He wants to be my friend but claims I’m not a good friend.

Why are you still even talking to someone who says this about you? 

You need more self-respect, Tee. 

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