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what do you think ?

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So my best friend of 15+ years has started dating one of my college friends. I mixed friends groups for my graduation he showed intrest in her and I vocalized to her that he had a girlfriend. They started seeing each other the whole time he had a girlfriend I told both them it wasn’t right but eventually it stopped and he showed back up in her life after him and his girlfriend got into an argument he moved in with my best friend and broke up with his girlfriend through a text. Now she barely talks to me or any of our other friends but says she knows she being a bad friend but not fixing the problem. Would i be wrong if I stopped talking to her for good?

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There are people in our lives who don’t add anything value at all, or it’s all take and no give, there’s a limited amount we can spend on them, emotionally and physically. Sounds like she is very wrapped up in her relationship right now, and may not have time for anything else.  

I wouldn't go out of my way to ignore her or be cruel to her, but I wouldn't make it a priority to maintain the friendship either.

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Not everyone's moral compass points in the same direction as our own, so you have to make a call on whether to openly judge and lose your best friend, or accept that she has lower standards than you when it comes to how she treats other people. She's now living with a guy who's demonstrated that he has little regard for the feelings of other people, and eventually she'll become the person he has no regard for, at which point she'll either realise how badly she behaved towards another female, or she'll miss the point entirely and continue being unkind and selfish towards other people. My personal view is that women who dump their friends when a guy shows up on the scene aren't worth being friends with in the first place. I wouldn't stop speaking to her, but I'd shut her down when she eventually reaches out because her relationship's turned sour and she wants someone to bleat to about her boyfriend. 

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