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...I did this to myself, really


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Long story short I dated my roommate for a couple of months, roommate broke it off, now he has a new girlfriend about a month later. It was hard enough before, but now he brings her over to spend the night. He never even talked to me first to just let me know--I just came home one night to find this. I am so hurt by this. Like--"here she is, the person who IS good enough to date me." I know I should never have gotten myself into this situation to begin with, but I did and now it's terrible. I don't even feel comfortable in my own home. Is it unfair for me to ask him to take it elsewhere? Afterall, I wasn't the only one involved in this and it feels like I'm bearing all the consequences. And for the record, he started things between us. I'm just so upset right now, I don't know what else to say. Advice?

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Yes...move! If the lease is in your name, uh, he has to go. And if it's not...surely you can find another flat somewhere. This is your self respect you're talking about. This is not even a debateable discussion. This is totally unacceptable...I heard of crappy things this is a winner.

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We each signed a lease. The thing is, moving isn't really an option. I would have to find someone else to move in or pay my rent both places which I can't afford--and besides, he is supposedly moving as soon as he gets a job (just graduated and waiting for a real job). Its the mean time that I'm worried about. And what if he decides to stay? I just wish he wouldn't bring her to my house, or at the very least, not bring her to spend the night. Or really, I would have appreciated some communication on his part. I was blindsided--completely unprepared. What hurt the most was the total lack of consideration for my feelings, like I am a total non-entity. If he had any sense of decency, I feel like he would have at least told me first. I would never have brought someone I was dating home without letting him know and asking about his comfort level. I just feel so foolish for getting myself into this in the first place. Should I just ask him to spend time with her at her apartment and stop shoving it in my face? (at least that's what it feels like)

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Sounds like this sicko is getting an ego boost from it. I would try and move if you can.

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Sorry I don't believe in you can't get around that lease situation, sublet your part, tell the landlord a huge lie anything but there is no way in hell would I ever say to you stick it out. Forget about talking to this sick F*** because by doing this to you without any thought reflects a depraved personality. Besides what bullcrap would he say that you would buy to tolerate his disrespecting you and so blatantly. And of course if you mention it to him, he'll say it's his right to bring other women there, so you'll have to deal with it. Why do you feel you have to tolerate this? It's cruel and a real man who has any consideration for any woman wouldn't even consider doing that. Hey if you had been strictly roommates that's one thing you two went beyond and this watching him bring girls in is only going to humiliate you.


I'll take a survey to any man that reads my post, if this were your sister would you tell her to stay on living under the same roof with this guy? Out of

curiosity. I'd like to know the feedback.


P.S. Just because you got involved with your roommate does not mean you deserve to be disrespected by him..and so you didn't "do" this to yourself.

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