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I've been in a relationship for six months with the girl I am deeply in love with and I thought she was deeply in love with me as well I recently found out that she's been a prostitute behind my back

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I’ve been in a relationship for six months with the girl I am deeply in love with and I thought she was deeply in love with me as well I recently found out that she’s been a prostitute behind my back …… I feel so deeply betrayed deceived and messed up I am completely crushed and heartbroken how do I heal from this trauma?

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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Does she have money troubles? 

Or does she actually enjoy what she does?

How did you find out about it? Was she doing it before she met you?

Either way, the relationship is over.

Keeping something like that from someone is not good at all.

It's best to block all contact with her.

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1 hour ago, Michael949 said:

 I recently found out that she’s been a prostitute behind my back 

Sorry this happened. How did you find something like this out? How old is she?

The first step is getting to a clinic/doctors for STD testing. Then reflecting how you met and what drew you to her.

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Just because she's a part time prostitute doesn't mean she's not in love with you.  She's desperate for money and taking the easy way out to get it instead of getting a suitable job.

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Is that such a bad thing?

One of the nicest women I ever met worked at a somewhat questionable activity,

you might find someone from that type of background to be a loving fulfilling partner,

Has she indicated an interest in putting that part of her life behind her and going in a different direction.

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On 12/15/2022 at 11:37 PM, Foxhall said:

Is that such a bad thing?

If OP assumed he was in an exclusive, monogamous relationship, then yes, it’s a bad thing. 

It might be different if she’d been honest upfront. Apparently she wasn’t. So in addition to any discomfort he might have about her work, she’s also a dishonest person. That doesn’t bode well for a relationship. 

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