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do you believe you can heal your body with your mind?

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I am reading a book called " you are the placebo" by Dr.Joe Dispenza, and i am curious to see other peoples perspectives here. Have you been able to heal your body with your mind?

I once was told by the doctors that i had thyroid after taking a blood test and i did not accept that diagnosis . I told the doctors that i did not have it, and to do the blood test again(  even though i had the symptoms). I went home and meditated that i was heathy and did the test again in a few days and results came back negative. My symptoms quickly disappeared too.

I have been very curious ever since then, if its possible that we can reverse diseases this way.

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The mind and body are part of one whole system, so one certainly affects the other.  Also, the placebo effect is very real, but isn't a guarantee; there is also unexplained spontaneous remission, but it's rare.  On the other hand, psychosomatic illnesses are also real.  Sometimes tests give false positives or negatives for many different reasons.

IMO, keep a positive attitude, meditate if that seems to help, live healthily, but don't skip medical care, and certainly don't forego it in favor of things like meditation.  You do have to evaluate if a particular medical recommendation is right for you, and in some cases the efficacy is statistically valid, but may actually be of very limited effectiveness so you have to decide for yourself after research.

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Immune function is closely linked to the brain.

Physiology and the mind are interconnected.

But for thyroid disease in response to your question, the answer is no. At least, not that I am aware of.

But reducing chronic stress helps to manage autoimmune thyroid disorders.

In any case, skewed results can result in overstatements or underestimations of thyroid disease severity. 

Some people who suffer from autoimmune thyroid disease do not have autoantibodies.

If you're concerned, it's okay to explore and incorporate different types of therapies and treatments after receiving a diagnosis. However, you run the risk of not discovering whether or not it exists if you do not follow up medically.



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Take any miracle cures and charlatans with a grain of salt. Perhaps there are a few tips but use your own best judgement.

Obviously they all promise the same fountain of youth and other types of miracle cures.

Focus on overall health and wellness. That means appropriate medical care and a healthy lifestyle. This includes a nutritious diet, an active lifestyle, stress reduction, etc.

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The body heals itself, but sometimes needs help. Good diet is essential I think. And good attitude, why tell oneself crappy thoughts?!


23 hours ago, KM101 said:

" you are the placebo" by Dr.Joe Dispenza

Just looking at this now, can't see that it harms to trick the brain into assisting us. 

If the placebo effect works, utilize it I say. 

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There have been numerous studies proving the validity of the placebo effect, so definitely.

The power of the mind is meant to work *with* modern medicine though, not as a substitute for it.

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The mind and body are connected, which means one must take care of both their physical and psychological health. I am dubious of any approach that favours only the mind over the body. 

First example: A childhood friend of mine lost her mom to cancer because she believed she could heal herself through the mind. The whole family is now understandably skeptical about only relying on 

Second example: I was struggling with fatigue for years and kept assuming it was related to stress. I would do many things to manage my stress and fatigue. Because of my job, everyone assumed this was a mental health issue, aka, "in the mind".  Kept getting more and more tired to the point that I had stopped going out. Finally consulted a dr. who diagnosed a physiological problem. Got surgery, am healed, thriving, learned to listen to my body. 

I'm a proponent of using all the tools at one's disposal to stay healthy. 

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31 minutes ago, Kamille said:

I am dubious of any approach that favours only the mind over the body. 

Exactly. Or the body over the mind. Both need consideration when deciding treatment options.

In an emergency just got to hope someone knows what they're doing! 

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mark clemson

No one knows for certain, but certainly if we could all simply "will" ourselves back to health whenever we wanted, many fewer people would die of disease and we would have 7000 year old people floating around, etc. So whatever truths there may or may not be, clearly they are substantively limited.

Even very serious diseases can occasionally go into "spontaneous remission" for reasons which are not well understood. However, we are NOT all biologically the same, which is why drugs will have side effects for some people not others, etc. And this no doubt impacts how some folks bodies respond to some diseases.  So, for example there are A VERY FEW people who can live with AIDS long term without medical treatment apparently**, but that doesn't mean that MOST people who get it won't slowly die, they will. In that particular case "will"/psychological states don't seem to have much to do with the ultimate prognosis (without medical treatment) , but there may be diseases where "will"/psychology can have an impact for some people.

** Link:


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  • 1 year later...

I read your thread about the mind healing the body so i thought id join up to reply, ill keep this as short as i can.   About three years ago i had a stomach ache that didnt go away, and eventually went for a scan, i had Mesenteric Venous thrombosis, which is a blood clot on the stomach.


I went into hospital for five days, on a blood thinner.   The above is rare and nasty, four in ten are dead after ten years, its degenerative, you dont want to know how you die. There is an underlying cause, liver disease, cancer and uncle tom cobbly.           Anyway i came out, felt a hundred percent.     Had another scan, clot gone, no underlying cause, the doc said stay on the blood thinner indefinately,  i stopped for a while, now only take half a dose.


At the time i went into hospital i was studying the unconscious mind, and on my way to hospital for the scan, i said the rosary, asking for help.    I had gone for the scan and was sent home, they called me back. 


To cut a long story short, the unconscious mind is our link to the Universe, God, and all there is, we are part of it, god made you, he knows how to fix you.      In the bible jesus said ask and ye shall recieve, there are secret teachings as to how,   And not only about health.   I have tested it in other ways, and it works.    I can sign post you to literature if you want me too.     Yes i believe in god, a greater existence, whatever you want to call it, but it isnt nescessary. 


Having said that  im sure, a 100 percent im will die one day, and that death may be part of a bigger thing,  like your time is up, so asking may not help.  But in my case.......not yet.  If you believe death happens anyway.



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