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Emotional manipulation


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My current gf verbally insults and physically violates me with punches on the arm. I am wayy taller and stronger than her so retaliating is not in my nature. 


But it has caused me to cheat on her numerous occasions as I am always happier when talking to other girls because the conversation flows smoothly and we have a laugh. 


And with my gf its like making convo with a cheese grater at times with her temper. Which is why I never feel guilty for cheating on her and sleeping around.


So yesterday I decided to end our relationship on valentines as I realised she is abusive and non of my other ex gfs have ever treated me like this. So I bought her a valentines gift with roses and chocolate ready to end it.


But she surprised me with a VERY expensive gift which threw me back on the hefty price tag, which is the main reason I stay with her, because her family are very affluent and she always buys me nice things and spoils me.


And that is why I want to make it work between me and her as she comes from a very wealthy family and I would be set for life if I marry into her family and won't have to stress about financial issues for life.


But she is a hot head and has serious anger, which is the only thing ruining our relationship.


Is there anything I can do to save our relationship or should I just end it?

Edited by rudiger
not finished
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So she's a spoiled brat who is used to getting her way and if she doesn't she throws a tantrum and punches people.  If you don't mind being a castrated punching bag for the rest of your life go ahead and marry her.  It's doubtful you'll get to cheat very much because with money she can hire investigators to track you.  Enjoy!

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13 hours ago, rudiger said:

 she comes from a very wealthy family and I would be set for life if I marry into her family and won't have to stress about financial issues for life.

Do you like her? She seems angry. Yes end it. You're incompatible. You'll have to support yourself either way.

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