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Possible cheating wife

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I'm deployed to Kuwait currently. We've been here for about a month and there's been 2 instances that could indicate my wife cheating. Shes 21 and I'm 20. 

The first is she told me she was driving up north to go see a family friend before visiting her family( she's from a town 2 hours away from where I'm stationed). She goes, hangs out. She's snapchatting me and nothing is out of the ordinary. I've never cared who she hangs out with or what she does because I trust her. All I ask is that she let's me know what's going on. She never told me when she left or when she got to her mom's house. She then texted me at 5 in the morning. I asked why she never told me when she had gotten home. She said she forgot. Well I checked her location through snapchat and it showed that she had been there all night. I called her out and basically accused her of everything under the sun. She calls me crying saying she's sorry. She didn't want to tell me because she thought I'd be mad. We worked past it for a while.

The second incident was she was at a bar with friends. Again she let me know where she was and who she was with. I had never met any of the people she was with because they usually just hang out at the bar and I'm not big on going out. The group is about half guy and girls and most of them are in the service. So she tells me when she gets home and it's late. Around 2 in the morning. But I knew how late she usually stays until the bar closes. The next morning I want to call but she says she's going to the store. Then I get notified about a random device connected to the wifi. I call her and tell her to answer. She then says that it was one of the guys from the group she hangs out with at the bar. She said she was the only sober one the other night and she agreed to give him a ride back on post. Apparently the gate was closed and it was late so she let him stay in our spare room and would bring him back the next morning. I said why didn't she tell me at the time and she said she was was just trying to help him out and knew that I'd be mad. She tells me she was going to tell me after the fact. And again this conversation is happening while she's about to drop him back on post, but her location shows her at a Walgreens. So I accuse her of cheating and buying plan b. She says no, I tell her to prove it. After some back and forth she sends me a screenshot of this guy's bank statement and it shows that he didn't buy plan b. 

Right now I don't know what to do. I love her and want this to work but I just need advice.

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You guys are so young and being apart and trying to stay faithful will be hard at your age.  Why does your wife have to go out to bars so often?  IDK if she is telling you the truth about those 2 incidents but it does smell fishy.

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Im prior military myself and was actually dealing with a similar situation around the same age while deployed to Iraq.  My friend no one can tell you exactly what's going on but definitely trust your gut and when you know for sure cut your loss early and don't waste years like I did.  The situation never gets better they will just get better at hiding it.  Best of Luck!!

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