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STBX bought me roses


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Hello everyone,

I finally picked up the courage to call an appraiser to appraise our property for our up coming divorce. I am planning to file in about 5-6 months. Lots of things to figure out before filing. If you read my last post you already why I'm planning to divorce my husband.

He was in the same room when I was on the call with the appraiser. When I told the appraiser that the reason for an appraisal was our upcoming divorce, the appraiser said ' I'm sorry to hear that' . I said, 'Oh, no its fine'. My husbabd yelled 'NO, it's not fine'. 

I was out of the house with the kids, by the time I got back home, there were roses in the vase. Husband told me that he bought me roses. But that was all he said, there was no expression of any emotions.

I think he is love bombing me because he wants something from me. What do you all think?

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Spouses do confusing things at the end of a marriage. This would be the least of your concerns, seeing your previous threads. Think carefully about the divorce and filing if that’s what you plan to do. 

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He realizes that you have finally reached your wits' end & he's taking superficial steps to change your mind.  Flowers don't fix his level of abuse.  Enjoy the flowers but don't fall for it.  He hasn't changed.  In fact things will probably get worse before they get better  

If he is serious about fixing your marriage & would attend MC, IC & anger management, then how would you feel?  If you think those 3 things could help, tell him that to see if he is committed to real change.  Otherwise, just stay on the path you are finally on, breaking free.  

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I'd say that the same as the other posters. A realization that the end is near. It has him freaked! Some individuals will hold out a weird "hope" against hope and realization until the very end. Then they are hit over the head with a bag of rocks that it truly is happening and the end is nigh. Stay strong...

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20 hours ago, livingalife2009 said:

I think he is love bombing me because he wants something from me. What do you all think?

Flowers are a lot cheaper than divorce. Why parade realtors in front of him? You should be discussing things with your attorney, if you are serious. Why are you stalling filing?

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We have multiple properties to appraise and that will take time. Also, the place he's planning to move in is leased for another 12 months. I'm going to be very patient. 

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