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Isolation changes

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This is hardly a new topic being that we are still in the middle of the pandemic (or the 3rd quarter or however you want to see it).  We were all isolated at the peak of the pandemic in March of 2020.  I was very lucky in that I had a lot of ways to make money - I was able to teach online from home and I went out and did Instacart to pay bills.  I was actually quite happy because I was sleeping in, relaxing, feeling good.  Many may have done the same or felt the same.  We are slowly opening up again thanks to the vaccine and I am rather surprised as I'm sure others are - it's strange being around others again and actually seeing people's faces without a mask.  But I digress...

I don't know about others, but I have always been a bit of a loner to begin with.  My mom said even when I was a little kid I wanted to be by myself.  I felt like I was not welcome with others, and due to being hurt by others I have become a rather introverted person.  I am open yet closed off, if that makes sense.  I listen to others rather than talk about myself often times, or ask others about themselves so that they will feel happy with themselves and not get into my business.  Or I won't say something that offends someone by accident.  I walk on eggshells with others.  I think this pandemic isolation has made me more isolated and introverted.  I keep to myself because I don't want to bother anyone.  Does this hurt relationships with others? 

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Yes.  To truly connect with other people and have more than a surface interaction, you have to be willing to risk being hurt, be willing for others to not accept you or even flat out reject you.  If your walls are up and you're self censoring your communication, you're not going to be able to have meaningful relationships.  Without any depth to relationships, people will come and go without feeling any reason to stay.

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Yes I can relate to a lot of what you say there,

Its funny , If I think of people who were shy and introverted as children, they are now pretty much that way as adults,

and bubbly sociable children develop into more extroverted adults,

I am good enough now at having a small amount of friendships and relationships, but I will never be the loudest in the room and I still like to get away from it all and be alone.



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To some level, I believe we can all empathize, and I can understand how the pandemic may have led some of our social abilities to regress.

Not everyone wants or requires a large number of friends or ties with others; some prefer a small group of close friends, while others thrive on making as many new connections as possible.

Based on your prior posts, it looks that you have relationships with others, but perhaps you don't want to form new ones?

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