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Working Out at Home?

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How do you even push yourself to work out at home? 😐 I haven't worked out in almost a week now because of stronger restrictions in the locality (gyms are closed due to a spike in cases). I hired a trainor again just so somebody can push me but he was unable to make it on our afternoon session today because of some urgent matters he needed to attend to.

So how does one even motivate himself to work out at home, without trainors or something? 😐 

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Create a schedule and stick to it?

Outdoor activities. YouTube workout videos.


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I find youtube to be really helpful. It's really the motivation to start working out that's the problem. 😐 It's so much different when all you have is a set of resistance bands 😐

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I find starting with small attainable fitness goals works best.

I like resistance bands. 

If you want to get bulky there's always free weights.

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Free weights are kind of expensive though! 

I was already buff and had some nice abs. I feel like I'm going to start all over again. I feel guilty for not pushing myself... but I just can't. I have no energy. No one to motivate me.

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Well. I can only tell you what worked for me. I discovered a very good instructor on YouTube who behaves as a health coach for me. She is really inspirational to me. Then I joined her social media community to communicate with those who share my interests and gain ongoing support and motivation.

I hope you find something that works for you!

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I love this topic! I have always had a gym membership and really loved going there about 5x a week. Obviously with the pandemic, that fell to the wayside and I have given up on my gym membership all together.  

I now LOVE working out at home. First I got a TRX as I love TRX and used to go to a TRX studio so was familiar, etc. It's a great workout. The app and classes are quite good; I know there are some YouTube but I haven't used them - a friend likes them. I also ran a lot initially for the first 6 months of the pandemic but I live near a beach (which is great) but I got burned out of running with a mask when packs of people flooded the area.

I already had free weights so used those as well. In January i got a spin bike, and take classes on and off the bike on the app. I know not everyone can invest in a spin bike but I love it, and since I live in a high fire area (California!), I figure when the fires and smoke return I'll enjoy having a good cardio option indoors. The app for the non bike classes also streamcasts to my large screen TV so it's a great experience (the TRX app doesnt yet do that I don't think...).

I also start each day with a series of planks. It's a great way to keep your core and back in shape. I started this last June and no longer need to get my back adjusted by the chiro. My goal is 5-6x a week I do about 10 mins each morning. I time them and vary the planks so you can do them back to back. My routine is: 1 min 20 second planks, and I do 6-8 rounds.  So traditional plank, then forearm plank, then side plank, other side plan, reverse plank, hold a plank and tap each leg side to side, etc.

Edit to add - How to get motivated? I know how great I feel afterwards. I just get into the routine and stick with it. I don't think I've ever worked out and not been glad I did it.


Edited by ClearEyes-FullHeart
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